Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I jumped up and looked at the balding man in a suit, a little dressy for a dusty hallway. There were two other men standing behind him, like they were is sidekicks or something. The one in the suit was looking at me with a very disappointed expression on his face and he had a clipboard in his hand.

"What? Failed?" I said shocked. How had I failed? There wasn't even a test! The man started writing things down on the clipboard. "What are you writing?" I asked and tried to peek over his shoulder but he was too tall and he simply pulled his arms up. Then Merideth came up behind him.

"You were supposed to open the door," she said.

"That's why I was banging on it," I answered. "There was not a way to open it." She just shook her head and leaned back on the wall.

The man shook his head also and continued to write on his clipboard. Uggghh! These people are infuriating!

"How was I supposed to get in?!" I asked loudly. "As I have stated before, there was no handle!" No one answered me. they, instead, chose to ignore me. When I realized that the conversation was over I decided to just sit down and curse them all in my head.

Finally someone spoke. "Get up, it's time for the next test." The bald man said this. I looked, more like glared, up at him. I held up my hand for him to take it. He stared at my hand than laughed, then ignored my hand and turned to talk to one of his minion people.


Merideth, who had seen the whole thing, laughed also. "You know, you're going to have to learn to be independent," she said. I rolled my eyes, sighed, then got up. I dusted off my rear end, not wanting to look disgraceful.

They lead me down the hallway, then we stopped at another door. I almost started screaming again. Were they really going to do this to me again? But they didn't, this door had a handle. The bald man in the suit, whom I am now calling baldy, opened the door with a key he pulled out of his pocket and stepped cautiously inside.

If he's trained and he had to step cautiously inside, I don't even want to find out what is in there.  They all followed suit behind him so I did too, but more carefully than the rest of them. I am not taking any chances.

What I saw in the room surprised me.

There was nothing. The room was completely void of anything. The walls and the ceilings were white. There was only a door on the far side of the room. But on the floor there were light grey squares spread very far apart, but the rest of the floor was white. We were standing on a black strip that went all the way across this side of the room.

"Now," the man said and I teared my eyes away from the room and looked up at him. "Walk to the door." I looked at him. This must be some form of a trick. This is way too easy. But I started to walk to the door anyway. But as soon as I took a step, there was a loud beeping noise. The kind of noise you hear on those silly game shows when you get something wrong.

I covered my ears as it continued to beep, then I ran back to the black strip. The man shook his head and made a little motion with his finger and the beeping stopped. I slowly removed my hands from my ears then stared at him.

"What was that!" I asked.

"You failed," he replied simply. "Get to the door without stepping on the white squares."

"You could've told me that earlier!" I yelled at him. "How was I supposed to know that there would be a very disturbing sound when I stepped on the white?"

"I did tell you," he said with a straight face. What was this man's problem. He obviously did not tell me, otherwise I would have heard him and listened to him. Behind him, his minions were holding back laughter. I even heard one of them mumble, "This never gets old."

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