Chapter 4

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hey guys, sorry this took awhile.. I've been busy. I recently got a life...

Chapter 4

"This again!" I yelled. I was back in that room with the squares about two weeks later. I've been training here everyday since the first time and I've gotten a little better but not really. Lady Annabella has taught me a lot though. Even though it's not real school, we learn a little bit of math and English. She says it will be useful and if she's a secret agent, then I'll believe her.

"Well, we can't just have you fail then walk away," baldy said. "You're doing this until you get it right."

I groaned but I nodded my head showing that I was up for the task. The men and Merideth walked away so I turned and studied the squares.

"Get to the door without stepping on the white squares." Baldy had said weeks before, but with the grey squares so spread apart, it was nearly impossible for me to do it. I tentatively too a step on the square that didn't beep the last time. I crouched down on it and took a good long look at the squares.

I thought maybe that the white squares where actually grey but you had to look very closely.

Turns out I was wrong because when i stepped on the next square it beeped. I ran back to the starting point, did the little hand flip and returned to the square. I crouched down again and looked at the tiles.

Then, I noticed a subtle difference in the squares but I couldn't put my finger on what that difference was. But there was definitely something different about each of the squares.

I just need to figure out what.

I stood back up and took another look around the empty room. "I'm so close," I muttered to myself. "So close."

"You can give up at any time," the voice from overhead said. I rolled my eyes at it, not bothering to respond.

"Any time now," it said again five minutes later.

I once again ignored it and decided to review my facts:

The grey squares are too far apart to jump to.

Only some white squares beep when I step on them.

There's somehow a difference between each of the squares, other than their color.

Not a lot of facts to go by, but it should work. Then I had an idea. If some of the white squares don't beep when I step on them, maybe the ones that beep are all the same and the ones that don't are different. I studied the white square that I was stepping on and was about to make my next move when..

"Time's up, we'll try again tomorrow." Now the men and Merideth where all standing right behind me.

"What?!" I exclaimed. "But I was about to solve the conundrum!" I said.

Merideth shrugged. "You took too long, now we're going to Lady Annabella's class," she said. "Come on." Then she waved me over and I reluctantly followed.

I was one of the first people to arrive in the classroom. Specifically the third person, so I had a lot of time to just think to myself. But no matter how hard I tried, I kept thinking about the room with the white squares.

Why couldn't I figure out how to get across the room and to the door?

I must have been really out of it because suddenly, Lady Annabella started class. Her voice took me out of my daze and I realized that the classroom had quickly filled up with people.

"Today, class, we are learning about riddles," she began. "Riddles are everywhere in your lives, girls, everywhere."

All the girls nodded and seemed to make a mental file of that, including me.

"When you girls are officially secret agents of POP, you must know that whenever you are given directions, there is a riddle hidden in between it. Don't ever forget the riddle" She said. "Forgetting the riddle can cause massive problems."

Massive problems. Noted.

"I'm going to give you a few riddles later in class for you and the person sitting next to you to solve, but first I need to teach you how to solve a riddle." Lady Annabella told us.

"Riddles usually have some form of word play in them, so look for words that have double meanings," she taught. "Also, riddles can be clues. So if the riddle is describing something, look for things with the traits that the riddle describes."

She continued to explain riddles. How important they where, how to crack them, and how to make your own. By the time she finished, I felt like an expert. She then handed us each a packet of little slips of paper. Each slip had a riddle on it and a small box in the corner.

"Here are the riddles that I promised, "she said with a smile. "When you and your partner have figured them out, call me over and If it's the correct answer, I'll sign the box in the corner. First group done gets something special," she sing songed the last part.

Just because of the prize, I was determined to win.

We didn't win the prize, but something good did come out of this.

I figured out how to get across the room.



I know that it's been over a month since I've uploaded and I'm very sorry for that guys! I've been really busy!! But there is no excuse for my lateness.

And! I'm soooo sooory that this is short too, but I had to put something together really fast.. I'm not supposed to be on the computer right now...

Just put the handcuffs on me. Take me away officer!!

Haha, but seriously, I really am sorry about the loong wait. I'll try to upload more regularly now.

P.S. Not edited! Don't have the time!

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