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My most vivid memories, the ones that shine the brightest, are those of days bathed in the radiant warmth of my mother's presence

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My most vivid memories, the ones that shine the brightest, are those of days bathed in the radiant warmth of my mother's presence.

Amidst the haze of recollections, I find myself transported to a time when a long-haired woman, her brow glistening with the gentle perspiration of exertion, peered down at a little baby girl, swathed in hues of purples and grays.

In those early moments, I raised my voice in a chorus of cries that seemed to resonate with the very heavens. But instead of anxiety, my new mother responded with awe, her laughter dancing through the room.

With tenderness, she wiped away a tear from my rosy cheek, whispering softly, "My little Kalura."

My brother and I, a testament to the first natural births on Krypton in centuries, became the products of my father, Jor-El, and my mother, Lara, lifelong mission - to send their children to Earth, the planet they believed we were destined to save before Krypton's destruction.

It was my introduction to the sensation of sunlight on my skin, a warmth that mirrored the laughter of my mother and the reassuring voices of my new parents.

As we grew, my earth mother, Martha, affectionately called my brother and me their greatest surprises. Our idyllic childhood was steeped in love for animals, nurturing anything with four legs. Smallville held a special place in our hearts, where the ordinary was extraordinary and the smallest of things were giants.

Until the day my father was taken from us.

It was then that Clark and I realized our true calling: to be the guardians of humanity.

And so, my path led me to Metropolis.

On a typical day in the bustling city, a young boy played along the sidewalk, oblivious to the world, a baseball and skateboard his sole companions. Above him, an overpass held together by makeshift repairs awaited its inevitable doom.

In a sudden eruption of concrete and chaos, a car hurtled off the bridge. The boy, bracing for impact, instead found himself shielded by me in a striking blue costume with a flowing red cape.

Nearby, Clark, similarly attired, gently lowered the car to the ground. The symbol emblazoned on their chests hinted at something more significant.

"Woah..." The boy gasped in awe. "Nice outfits!" With a wink from me and a cheerful smile from Clark, we were the embodiment of real-life superheroes.

"Thanks!" Clark smiled. "Our mom made it for us!"

While Clark thrived in Metropolis, I felt a yearning for a different destiny, one that beckoned me beyond the city's limits. My journey took me to Gotham City, where I offered my veterinary expertise. There, I crossed paths with a man who would forever alter the course of my life - Bruce Wayne.

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