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As the first rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, I found myself in a familiar predicament

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As the first rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, I found myself in a familiar predicament. While the rest of the household slumbered on, I decided that since the sun was up, I was up. My every move seemed magnified, especially as I attempted to move myself from the warmth of the covers without waking up Bruce.

His arm draped across my waist, holding me in an embrace. I knew I could easily slip away from his grasp, but where was the fun in that? The morning held a sense of untapped potential, much like the unwritten pages of a story waiting to be told. I gazed out the window, where the world was bathed in soft hues of pink and gold. It was a canvas of possibilities, and I couldn't resist its call.

Carefully, I wiggled free from Bruce's grasp, feeling the warmth of his hand slip away as I inched out of bed. His brow furrowed ever so slightly in his sleep, as if sensing my leave. A small smile tugged at my lips, knowing he'd forgive my early escape.

Clad in my oversized MU sweatshirt and my, according to my kids, ancient pajama pants, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes with a wide yawn. All I could think about was grabbing a steaming cup of coffee and a bagel, a perfect start to a lazy morning. However, my plans took a sharp left turn the moment I shuffled into the kitchen.

There, to my utter bewilderment, stood Isobel. But it wasn't her presence that sent my jaw dropping – it was the scene that unfolded before me. She held a jar of pickles in one hand, guzzling down pickle juice like her life depended on it.

But what truly left me speechless was the sight of a tiger cub nestled in her other arm.


"Um... honey?" I called out, my voice laced with confusion and disbelief.

She nearly jumped out of her skin, turning to face me with a sheepish grin. "Hey, Mom..."

My eyes darted between the jar in her pickle-juice-smeared hand and the striped cub she cradled like it was the most ordinary thing in the world. "Whatcha got there?" I asked, trying to wrap my mind around this bizarre situation.

She blinked, looking down at the jar with a puzzled expression, as if the tiger cub wasn't even worth mentioning. "Pickles?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at Isobel's nonchalant response. My daughter had always been one for quirky surprises, but this had taken the cake, or should I say, the pickle jar.

I approached her slowly, my curiosity piqued, and peered into the jar as if expecting answers to magically appear amidst the briny liquid. "That's quite a breakfast choice," I remarked, my gaze shifting from the jar to the bewildering presence of the tiger cub.

Isobel shifted the cub to her other arm, cradling it as though it were a cherished pet. "Yeah, well, you know how I've always loved pickles," she said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

I couldn't argue with that. Isobel's quirks had always painted her as the enigmatic character in the story of our family. "You know what," I sighed, half amused and half concerned, "you can explain to your father why there's a tiger in the house."

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