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"Mom," Dick's voice echoed through the air, pulling me back from the depths of my thoughts. Ever since Jason's death, I found solace in the darkness of my attire, draped in black from pajamas to work clothes to evening wear. Isobel, in the peaceful embrace of sleep, rested on my lap as I gazed out the window from the cozy reading nook. "The Titans need me."

A sinking feeling gripped my heart. The Teen Titans? At just sixteen, they seemed to function well without him. "Dick, you can't leave home now," I whispered, careful not to disturb Isobel's nap. "We've just lost Jason."

An uneasy tension enveloped my eldest son. "The house feels too lifeless... right now." He averted his eyes, fingers nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "I just need some time away, and the Titans are dealing with something and need my help."

I considered voicing my objections but held back. Dick struggled as much as Bruce and I did. A cold war simmered in our marriage, and we weren't exactly hiding it. My efforts to maintain stability at home, shattered since Jason's passing, were futile.

"I'm sorry," I offered, words heavy with understanding. If given the chance to escape a stormy household, I would seize it, just as I did after my father's death. When I turned 18, I fled to college in Metropolis. "You can go with the Titans, Dick. Just... remember to call me every now and then."

A rare smile graced Dick's face. "Thanks, Mom."

Exhaling through my nose, I gently lifted Isobel, who protested with a soft sound before slipping back into her nap. "When are you leaving?"

Dick checked his watch. "In a few hours."

As the realization settled in, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the fractured dynamics within our family. The pain of Jason's absence cast a shadow over our home, and Dick's departure seemed to amplify the lingering tensions between Bruce and me.

Silence lingered for a moment, broken only by the distant sounds of the city beyond our windows. I met Dick's eyes, searching for answers, and found a complex blend of determination and vulnerability. He was caught in the crossfire of our struggles, seeking refuge with the Titans as a temporary escape.

"You know, Mom," Dick began, breaking the silence, "I never imagined it would be like this. Losing Jason changed everything." His voice carried a weight of sorrow and longing, a sentiment shared by us all.

I nodded in understanding, unable to find the right words. The air in the room felt heavy with unspoken emotions, and I wondered how much more our family could endure.

"Promise me you'll take care of things here," Dick implored, his gaze pleading for reassurance. "I'll come back, I promise. I just need to clear my head, help the Titans, and maybe find some answers along the way."

A mixture of pride and worry welled up within me. "I trust you, Dick. But don't forget, no matter where you are or what you face, you're always a part of this family. And we'll be waiting for you to come back."

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