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I turned my gaze to Isobel, her expression one of shock. "You tore out his heart?" She let out a low whistle. "Talk about a Fatality, Mom."

"I'm not proud of it," I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest and shaking my head. "But it made me realize that one day, I could snap and use my powers for something darker."

Isobel nodded slowly. "That's why Superwoman disappeared from the public eye."

"Exactly." I gestured towards her black eye. "The only reason Superwoman resurfaced was because Talia managed to get her hands on you and your father." Gritting my teeth, I looked away. "What was the point? Your father still died."

"We don't know that."

"Your father would've come home by now if he wasn't." I bit my lip. "Trust me, I know." I ran my hands over my face with a long sigh. "You're right, we can't stay in Gotham." Placing my hands on my lap, I continued, "If Talia got to you once, she'll do it again."

"There's nowhere to go," Isobel said. "Metropolis isn't exactly the best place either."

"I know."

"And who's going to take care of Wayne Enterprises and all of this?" Isobel motioned around her.

"I've got that handled," I said, standing up. "Tim is more than equipped to take on the mantle and Wayne Enterprises." I motioned towards the elevator. "Come on, we've got to pack."

Isobel's eyes held a mix of concern and uncertainty. "But leaving Gotham, what about the legacy, the responsibilities?"

I paused, my gaze meeting hers. "Sometimes, Isobel, we have to prioritize our safety over legacies. Gotham will survive, and Tim will ensure that."

As we made our way to the elevator, the weight of the decision hung in the air. The city lights outside the window seemed to blur, reflecting the complexity of the choices we faced.

Isobel sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I just never imagined we'd have to run from our home."

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We're not running; we're adapting. It's time for a new chapter." The elevator doors closed behind us which signaled the gates of my heart shutting forever.


A week had slipped away since Isobel and I hastily departed from the chaos of Gotham. The media frenzy surrounding our disappearance echoed in the background, but I paid little attention as missed calls and messages from Wayne Enterprises inundated my phone—concerns I couldn't muster the energy to address.

Before leaving, I clandestinely downloaded the coordinates of the last Lazarus pit onto my watch, erasing any trace from the Batcomputer. Tim remained unaware, and I intended to keep it that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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