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A/N: No pictures are to scale, just saying


- 10ft as Axolotl, 5'8ft as human, 21ft as Water Spirit
- Can transform between her Axolotl , Water Spirit/God and Human form
- Can transform into a Water spirit, which is around Double her Axolotl height
- A 'tiny' (REALLY) bit obsessed with cake
- Very confident
- Slightly paranoid
- Married to Joel
- Can control water, and loves riding the waves
- VERY proud
- Better at swimming in deeper, and clearer waters than Jimmy
- VERY overprotective of Jimmy, she doesn't trust Scott not to hurt him even though Jimmy has tried to explain he confessed first
- Stubborn
- Amazing at fighting
- Has made a sport of picking up Joel just to annoy him
- Learned to harness lightning through her Trident, because of lessons taught by Pixlriffs.
- Currently involved in a prank war with Joey (VERY much winning)
- Creative
- Jimmy's Sister
- Rides the waves into battle, where she wields her trident
- Lizzie is an active member of the 'Table of Gods', so sometimes she can't attend events that take place in the SMP to attend the monthly meetings.
- After she left the water for the first time (And lost her memory), she entered a village near the coast, where she lived with a fisherfold family for the next few years. She met Jimmy there, and they became close. Never dating close though, they both had a gut feeling that it was wrong.
- Goddess of Water


- Basically the same as ESMP S1, MAIN
- Has (Almost fully but not quite) accepted Scott and Jimmy's relationship.

Axolotl Form:

Axolotl Form:

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Water Spirit Form:

Water Spirit Form:

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Human Form:

Human Form:

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Her Trident:

NOTE: This version is just a close up of the trident

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NOTE: This version is just a close up of the trident. It doesn't normally have this much detail otherwise.


- Was always a cat
- Doesn't trust anyone
- Paranoid
- Slightly crazy
- Will eat humans if hungry enough (As Joey, 'sadly', found out)
- Graceful
- Good at stealing
- Can (and will) blackmail people
- Definitely part of Scott's Black market
- Part of the 'Gossip Group'
- Always on guard
- Weird
- Reincarnation of S1 Lizzie
- In a polygamous, romantic relationship with Sausage and Joel (However only thinks of Sausage as a friend, in which the feelings are mutual)
-  Curious
- Loves reading about other Empire's history (but not her Empires because she thinks her empire is boring
- Often takes things too seriously
- Trouble maker
- Loves TNT
- Friends with every girl on the server
- Loves Gossip
- Feels some sort of mischievous hatred towards Joey (S1 headcanons reference)
- loves playing pranks
- Is wanted in a few Empires
- HATES Salmon, but doesn't know why (Another S1 headcanon reference)
- Has not shown anyone her face as a cat, but everyone still knows
- She gets extremely nervous and awkward anytime someone says she doesn't seem to be human, and gets over dramatic whenever its mentioned, even going as far as to make a PRESENTATION on how she is human. (With over 183 slides, it goes for over an hour, maybe two. Sausage found this out the hard way. Pix and False were just sad there was no test at the end) 

With Mask:

Without Mask:

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Without Mask:

Without Mask:

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If you think this is long, try making all the characters at the same time, and having to do homework. At least I can listen to Ranboo VODS while I work :) Also I am sick, so I should be doing homework but I don't care 



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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