🟡🟢🔴🔵 Guardians Of Eternity

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Once upon a time, in the afterlife, four friends found themselves reunited as the Guardians of Eternity: Sigils, Biffle, Henwy, and Nico. They had passed away long ago but were now bestowed with the responsibility of guiding souls to their rightful destinations.

Sigils: "Welcome back, Biffle, Henwy, and Nico. It's been ages."

Biffle: "Indeed, Sigils. I never thought death would be this busy."

Henwy: "We must ensure we do our duty with fairness and compassion."

Nico: "True, we can't afford any mistakes."

As they began their work, they received their first batch of souls, including their old friends SSundee, Zud, JeromeASF, Kate, LoafX, Lookumz, GarryBlox, and PatP.

SSundee: "Hey, Sigils! It's good to see you again, even under these circumstances."

Sigils: "Welcome, SSundee. I'm glad you're here."

Zud: "Biffle, my man! Didn't expect to see you in the afterlife."

Biffle: "Hey, Zud. Sad it had to be this way, but we'll make sure you're taken care of."

JeromeASF: "Thanks for being here, guys. It's comforting to have familiar faces."

Henwy: "You're welcome, Jerome. We'll guide you to where you belong."

Kate: "Hello, Nico. I trust you'll make the right decision."

Nico: "Hello, Kate. Rest assured, I will judge you fairly."

LoafX: "Henwy, my friend. This is quite a surprise."

Henwy: "LoafX, it's good to see you, but we have work to do."

Lookumz: "Nico, it's strange being here, but I know you'll do what's right."

Nico: "Thank you, Lookumz. Your fate will be decided based on your actions."

GarryBlox: "Biffle, old pal. Thanks for helping us out."

Biffle: "It's my duty, GarryBlox. Now, let's proceed."

PatP: "Henwy, my best friend, I'm glad you're here to guide me."

Henwy: "PatP, it's an honor to be with you in your final journey."

As the Guardians worked together, they noticed another soul approaching—Amy, Henwy's obsessive ex-girlfriend and the one responsible for Sigils' death.

Sigils: "Amy, you don't belong here. What have you done?"

Amy: "I don't care about any of you. I killed Sigils because he was in the way!"

Biffle: "You'll have to answer for your actions, Amy."

Nico: "Indeed, your dark deeds will determine your fate."

Henwy: "Your evil actions have consequences. We cannot forgive you."

Sigils: "Amy, I never thought you'd do this."

Amy: "I don't need your forgiveness. I revel in my wickedness."

The Regulars, who were once a YouTube group bound by friendship, could not find it in their hearts to forgive Amy. They knew her soul was dark, and her goodness level was abysmal.

Biffle: "Amy, your soul is beyond redemption."

Nico: "You will face the consequences of your malevolence."

Henwy: "Your actions have left us with no choice."

Sigils: "Farewell, Amy. May your soul find its own path."

Amy, filled with anger and resentment, had grown more dangerous. The Guardians knew they had to act swiftly. With a unanimous decision, they banished her to a realm of eternal darkness, a place of her own creation.

The Guardians continued their work, ensuring each soul found their rightful place. Though their afterlife was filled with responsibility, they took solace in each other's company and found strength in their friendship. Together, they navigated the complexities of eternity and found purpose in guiding souls through their unique journeys.

And so, the Guardians of Eternity remained steadfast, working together in harmony, hoping that one day, every soul would find the goodness that would lead them to eternal peace and happiness.

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