🟢🟡 Fun for a Friend

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(Swap au)

(That means two people swap personalities with each other [e.g. Sigils and Henwy swap, so now Sigils acts like Henwy and Henwy acts like Sigils.])

The mailman arrives, handing over a card from California.

"Another card from Sigils," the mailman said.

"Oooh," SSundee exclaimed.

"Ooh look, Colt! It's another card from Sigils," SSundee said.

"Happy catch your friend day?" Colton joked.

"Whatever honestly, they have so much fun. Too much fun if you ask me," Colton added.

"Well, I think it's kinda fun having so much to celebrate," SSundee replied.

"Hey dad, we do cool stuff too. I mean, how about all the awesome cards we sent back to them?" Colton said.

Sigils hangs up a card sent by SSundee on his wall, wondering about some of the same pictures.

"Huh, well... that's consistent," Sigils noted.

"Henwy, Ian and his wife sent another card," Sigils informed.

"What is the deal with these cards? Monday... Friday... Sunday mid-morning?" Henwy questioned.

"It's like ever since Ian and  Madelyn became parents, they never had anything to look forward to. I feel... really bad for them," Sigils reflected.

Sigils suddenly gasps, giving the face of 'I've got an idea.'

"Uh, no. No no no. I know what that look means. You're about to hatch an elaborate plan which involves a lot of hugging, singing, and... glitter..." Henwy warned, and retches when he mentioned glitter.

"You know it!" Sigils affirmed.

Henwy sighs. "Okay. Promise me you'll sleep one bit before rushing your something like you always do?" Henwy requested, hoping he wouldn't do chaos first thing in the morning.

"Okay," Sigils agreed. "I won't do anything?"

The next morning, Henwy, doing his usual routine, wears a bathrobe, and goes downstairs with a cup of coffee while singing something random.

"♪ Another morning, angel...just touch around before you leave meeee BAbAY... I'm goin down to the bunker, angel... and I'd be sipping on coffee in the morning, baby- ♪"

But as Henwy sang, he didn't realise Sigils was waiting next to the stairway, where Henwy was walking down.

"GOOD MORNING HENWY!" Sigils exclaimed.

"AHHHHH!" Henwy screamed, spilling his coffee all over the floor. Looking at the culprit, he wanted to punch him, but after realising it was Sigils, he sighed, and picked up the cup on the ground.

"Sigils... you didn't sleep one bit...?" Henwy predicted.

"Not a wink!" Sigils confirmed.

"And you probably got a crazy plan." Henwy added.

"And yes I do. I decided that Ian needed something fun for once, and nobody knows fun better than us! We'll just give them some of ours!" Sigils said, eager to share his plan.

"And why are we doing this?" Henwy inquired.

"Ian is my best friend. They deserve to have a day of dancing and signing and costumes and presents and glitter... SO MUCH FRICKING GLITTER!" Sigils exclaimed, showing his love for glitter when it comes to decorating.

While talking, he pours coffee seemingly for Henwy but actually then drinks it when he did explain his plan.

"Sigils, are you sure this is a good idea...?" Henwy asked, a little uncertain.

"Absolutely! This is what I do! I take care of my friends. And this is how we're gonna do it." Sigils said, then took out a scrapbook, and began explaining.

"First, break into Henwy's bunker." Sigils began.

"AHHHH!" An Imaginary Henwy in the scrapbook exclaimed.

"...And get him on board." Sigils added.

"What...?" Henwy quipped.

"I'm on board!" Imaginary Henwy on the scrapbook said.

"We set off for Michigan and we arrive with as much dramatic flair as possible! We see Ian and his wife, and maybe his oldest son, and do some hugging, we pitch them out fun, their minds are BLOWN!" Sigils exclaimed, well, not making the plan that clear.

"And that's how we're gonna give Ian some fun!" Sigils ended, and the pop up word 'Holiday' pops out.

"HOLIDAY!" The recorded voice of Sigils said.

Glitter comes out of the scrapbook, landing on Henwy's face, who's now annoyed.

"HOLIDAY!" Biffle and Nico exclaimed, appearing out of different areas of Henwy's bunker.

"GYAHHHH!" Henwy shrieked, and as he screamed, he spilled his coffee again, this time all over him.

"...I'll go put on some clothes..." Henwy said, walking to get some new clothes.

Sometimes, in the chaos of plans gone awry, lies the unexpected magic of rekindled joy.

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