🟡 Bystanders in Bravery

16 4 0

(Genderbend AU)


SSundee —> SSunny

Sigils —> Andrea (cant think of a name for the genderbend version of his nickname)

Biffle —> Biffla cant think of a name for the genderbend version of his name

Nico —> Nica

Henwy —> Henria

As SSunny, Andrea, Biffla, and Nica waited for their friend Henria at their favorite café, a sense of unease crept over them. Henria was unusually late, even for her.

As the Regulars and SSunny chatted over coffee, Nica burst into the cafe, breathless, "Guys! Trouble! Henria's in trouble!"

Sigils raised an eyebrow, "Trouble? What do you mean?"

Nica pointed out the window, her eyes wide, "Look outside! There's a creepy guy bothering Henria!"

The group turned to see Henria, seemingly cornered by a man. Biffla's eyes widened, and SSunny muttered, "This sounds like a job for the Regulars."

Henria, ever the bubbly one, looked the man in the eye, her tone sweet, "Hey there, handsome. What's up?"

Andrea groaned, "Henria, seriously?"

Ignoring the skepticism, Henria grabbed the man's shoulders as if about to kiss him. Andrea recoiled, "Ugh, what is she doing?"

But before anyone could react, Henria swiftly kicked the man in the shin. He winced in pain, and Henria, without missing a beat, said, "Remember, it's about personalities, not looks. Learn to appreciate people for who they are."

As Henria walked away, the man, still nursing his shin, was left dumbfounded. The Regulars and SSunny watched in a mix of shock and admiration.

Biffla finally spoke up, "I didn't see that coming."

SSunny added with a smirk, "Well, that escalated quickly."

Andrea, still recovering from the display, muttered, "Note to self: never underestimate Henria's methods."

Nica, satisfied with her role as the bearer of news, grinned, "See, I told you guys! Henria's got it all figured out."

The group, now with a newfound respect for Henria's unconventional heroics, continued their coffee meetup, grateful that their friend knew how to handle unexpected situations.

The Regulars One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن