🟡🟢 The Beautiful Lie

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Hmm this title reminds me of Beautiful Liar by Beyonce and Shakira






Also do you know the reference?

There were four friends known as The Regulars. Henwy, Sigils, Biffle, and Nico, a tight-knit group of content creators, were beloved by their fans for their unique qualities. But their world was about to be shattered.

One fateful day, a stranger appeared at Henwy's residence, bearing a bouquet of flowers and seemingly bringing good wishes. But instead, he betrayed Henwy's trust, stabbing him in the stomach, and accusing him of dishonesty. "It hurts, doesn't it? I'm more miserable than you are more painful than you! Even though you are a famous YouTuber, you have always looked down on fans, secretly thinking of us as idiots! " the stranger shrieked. In his last moments, Henwy delivered a profound monologue about his perspective on lies and love. "I was very irresponsible... neither simple nor incurable... I don't know how to love someone at all... so all I can say is... the beautiful lie everyone loves to hear... praying for the day... every lie I tell can become a reality... I'm working hard... desperately trying... go tell every lie well..."

"To me... a lie is love... I'm also doing my way to send all love to all of you... by spreading all my love..." "You liar!" The stranger shouts. "You don't even remember who I am-"

"Andy... right?" Henwy asked.

Andy becomes shocked, turning around facing Henwy. "You come to the Regulars handshake event often... or am I remembering wrong... sorry... I'm really bad at remembering names... I received the gift you gave me... I'm really happy... I even put as a decoration for my living room..." realising he committed a crime and also feeling touched at his words, Andy runs away in tears, shocked and confused. After all that happen, Henwy notices Sigils, who is calling the hospital in desperate for medical help.


*Henwy collapses to the ground*

Sigils: Henwy!

Henwy: Oops... so careless... the original anti-theft door chain exists for this kind of thing... people didn't teach me this-

Sigils: STOP TALKING! The bleeding will get worse if you continue to talk!

Henwy:  I'm sorry... I should... I can't hold on... are you hurt... Sigils?

Sigils: No...

Henwy: Today's autograph signing will have to be called off... I have to apologise to the director...

Nico and Biffle, Blocked by the doorway leading into the hallway: Hey, what happened to you guys?

Sigils: Don't come here... guys...


Henwy: When you grow up... what kind of person will i become... I really want to see you guys continue your YouTube journey... I really want to hear people say... 'The Regulars' youngest member is so innocent'... I really want to be by your side... grow up together... although I can't be considered a good friend... but I'm so blessed to have met all of you...anything else... oh right... it has to be said... Sigils, Biffle, Nico... I love you all...

Henwy: Ah... I can't believe I said it at last...! I'm sorry I've never told you this... this sentence... absolutely... is definitely not a lie, I love you...

Biffle: What's going on here? Why is there blood? Henwy, talk to us!

Nico: Henwy, please, we need to get you help!

Henwy: I'm sorry, my friends. It's Andy... he stabbed me. But I need to confess...

Sigils: Save your strength, Henwy. We'll get you to the hospital.

Henwy: No, listen... dishonesty, it's a form of love to me. I wanted to protect you all, but I can't hide it anymore.

Biffle: Henwy, stay with us. You'll be fine, the ambulance is on its way!

Nico: We'll get through this together, Henwy. Just hold on.

Henwy: Biffle, you were amazing at my event. I know you'll be a popular YouTuber and dancer in the future.

Sigils: Henwy, don't talk like that. You'll see us all succeed together.

Henwy: Sigils, you'll be a famous actor, I'm sure of it. And Nico, a famous comedian. I believe in all of you.

Biffle: Henwy, you're going to make it through this. We'll fulfill our dreams together.

Sigils: Henwy, hold on, the ambulance is almost here!

Biffle: We'll be with you until the end, Henwy. You're not alone.

Sigils: Henwy... WAKE UP!

Days after his tragic death, news of Henwy's murder spread, and Andy attempted suicide before succumbing to his injuries. The public's sympathy poured in, with Sigils taking note of the cruelty and insensitivity surrounding Henwy's death.

Throughout the ordeal, the Regulars were left to cope with the loss of their dear friend, cherishing the memories they had shared and the love he had shown them. And so, the legacy of Henwy, the kind YouTuber, and his profound love for his friends lived on in the hearts of those he had touched.

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