🟡🟢🔵🔴 Starlit Respite

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Let's have some peace shall we

No warnings

The night sky was an inky canvas, painted with thousands of shimmering stars that seemed to stretch endlessly. The Regulars, a close-knit group of four friends who were also YouTubers, decided it was time for a break from their usual hustle and bustle of content creation. They found themselves on a secluded hill, far away from the city lights, with the sole purpose of relishing the simple pleasure of stargazing.

"Shouldn't we get something for the road?" Biffle suggested, looking over at his friends with a grin.

"Yeah, I think let's get something on the road," Sigils chimed in, his expressive face lighting up as he considered the idea.

"Dont worry guys, I've got something in mind," Henwy said with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

As they settled onto their chosen spot, Henwy revealed a surprise—a bundle of iced chocolates and donuts.

"Iced chocolate and donuts to match with?" Nico exclaimed, his signature quirky personality showing through his excitement.

"Interesting choice, Henwy," Sigils commented with a chuckle.

"Thanks," Henwy replied with a warm smile. "We've never felt so relaxed for a while, so I think something sweet would get us to enjoy the stars."

The friends indulged in their treats, the cool sweetness of the iced chocolates contrasting with the warmth of the summer night. Biffle, however, had his own plans and slurped on his iced chocolate a bit too quickly.

"Biffle, chill with your chocolate, you're gonna get brain freeze!" Sigils warned with a grin.

"Chillax dude, I'm gonna be fi—" Biffle began, but his words were cut off as the brain freeze hit him unexpectedly.

"Okay never mind... Ow... It hurts..." Biffle managed to say, causing the others to burst into laughter.

The laughter echoed through the night, blending with the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant sound of crickets. As the last of their laughter faded, they all turned their attention back to the starlit sky, a comfortable silence settling between them.

"This is nice," Biffle said, rubbing his temples to ease the remnants of his brain freeze.

"Yeah, it really is," Henwy agreed, his usually hyperactive demeanor softened by the serene atmosphere.

Nico, who had been busy munching on a donut, chimed in, "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually glad we took a break from YouTube."

"Stargazing has its own kind of magic," Sigils mused, his expressive face reflecting a sense of tranquility. "It's moments like these that help us recharge and remember why we started creating content in the first place."

As they lay there, side by side, they lost themselves in the vastness of the night sky. The struggles and stresses that had been weighing them down seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of connection and wonder. For that brief moment, they weren't YouTubers with deadlines and expectations; they were just four friends marveling at the beauty of the universe.

And so, under the watchful gaze of the stars, The Regulars found solace in each other's company, grateful for the simple joy of a shared moment and the respite it offered from their everyday lives.

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