Figuring out more about Fanny

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Normal P.O.V:

Somewhere inside Chuck's Community Center, Fanny dons a dark blue kendo gi wielding a kendo stick. She stands on the mat in a ready stance as she faces her enemy the training dummy with fire in her eyes. 

Fanny: There are a hundred ways to die in Chuck's Community Center... choose one.

Dummy: ...

Fanny: Very well... RRAGH-!!!

She swings at the dummy but misses by a hair and slips falling to the floor and struggles angerly until Flower walks by notices Fanny trying to get up with her face and runs over to help her up.

Fanny: Ugh!! *grunt* c'mon..! Nrrg!

Flower: Huh? Oh Fanny! Here, let me help you.

Fanny: *sigh* Thanks Flower.

Flower:  Don't fight with- Wait, you thanked me? Hm, your time with Death P.A.C.T. really helped you develop. 

Fanny: Don't go thinking I've gone soft...

Flower: Yeah of course. A-anyway, are you okay? That was some trip.

Fanny: I'm fine...

Fanny groans in frustration as she gathers her stuff and storms off muttering to herself.

Fanny: Kendo would be a whole lot better if I still had arms.

Flower: *nods* W-Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean sti- And she's gone. Hm... 

Later Flower's P.O.V:

I ride my motorcycle around the block in search for certain individuals. I couldn't stop thinking about what Fanny said at the Community Center earlier, "still had arms"? What's that about? I finally find Lightning with Snowball and Ice Cube at the front of an ice cream parlor, I go to a screeching halt on my motorcycle to talk with them.

Lightning: So you're physically incapable of getting brain freeze? Cool!

Snowball: Yeah, I'm just that tough.

Ice Cube: Huh? I thought that was just a common thing for cold objects, I know I can't get brain freeze because I'm already frozen.

Snowball: Don't embarrass me in front of my boyfriend, Icy!


Lightning: WOAH-!

Ice Cube: AH-

Flower: Do any of you guys know about Fanny having arms before?

Lightning, SB & Icy: .....

Snowball: *snirk* Are you serious Flower? Fanny with arms? *chuckle* She's never had arms.

Flower: I am serious Snowball. I was with Fanny at the community center earlier today when she complained to herself about how kendo would be better if she and I quote "still" had arms.

Ice Cube: I always thought she was born without arms, I know I was.

Snowball: It's true, I was there when she hatched.

Flower: Really? How?

Snowball: Believe it or not, she's my little sister. (there's a reason she's one of the few people I don't pick on)

Lightning: I was surprised to be told this too. Back on topic though, I don't think Fanny ever mentioned anything about having arms in our Death P.A.C.T. meetings. But then again she's a bit more open to other people in the club than just me. Maybe try asking the others about it?

Lightning: If you want my two cents about the idea, maybe she had an accident of sorts that caused her to lose her arms, I mean that's how I lost my legs and why I'm left with my zappy tail.. thingy. 

Flower: I see. Well thanks anyway.

I ride away to find some of the other members of Death P.A.C.T. since Fanny is as Lightning said more open with them than almost anyone else, one of them has got to know something about this. I eventually stop by Starline Apartments when Black Hole lives, but after knocking on his door there was no response. Microphone then exits her apartment and heads over to a nearby vending machine.

Flower: Hey Microphone.

Microphone: Oh hey.

Flower: Do you know where Black Hole might be?

Microphone: He went to Pen's place to hang out. Did you want him for something?

Flower: Yeah pretty much, thanks for the help.

Eventually I rode all the way to the high rise building Pen apparently lives in and take the elevator to his penthouse only to at first find nobody around until I see pen standing outside on the balcony with a drawing tablet and stylus, but I don't see Black hole with him. I wonder what's going on.

Pen: C'mon man hold still, have you never posed for a literal drawing before?

Flower: Hey Pen!

Pen: Huh- oh What's up Flower?

Flower: I wanted to ask you about- OH MY GARDEN WHAT IS THAT???

The second I look to where Pen was looking I freak out to see a giant winged snake-like dragon.. thing on the roof. 

Snake-dragon thing: !??

Pen: Oh, I guess you didn't hear about Black Hole's new ability. 

Flower: Wait that's Black Hole??

Pen: Yeah, uh take five big guy. 

The giant winged serpent crawls off the roof as it then starts to get smaller and change back into Black Hole.

Black Hole: Sorry for scaring you.

Flower: I.. I won't even question anything from you anymore. Do any of you two know about Fanny having arms before?

Pen: Fanny had arms? I don't know, that doesn't seem likely... Black Hole what about you?

Black Hole: No I don't think so either. Have you asked her about it?

Flower: I was going to but she had already left, I probably should though. Maybe tomorrow though, I have a curfew... bye guys.

Pen: Later.

Black Hole: Bye.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: So Fanny supposedly had arms before... Hm, I wonder what that's about?)

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