CHAPTER 1: What Was Supposed To Be A Fresh Start

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In August of 2021, school started and it was the beginning of my 3rd year in high school. I was looking forward to this year's choir and all of my AP classes, hoping to receive college credit for them, but unfortunately, that was the total opposite of what happened. In fact, I got worse. I started skipping classes out of laziness, stopped doing work at one point, and honestly let myself go. On a positive note, I got my social media back! Hooray! I was finally in contact with peers and friends again. Soon after that, It was the first day of my junior year and all of my teachers seemed nice, except for my first period teacher. To keep the trend of hidden names, we'll call her Ms. Vasquez. She was my pre-ap geometry teacher and kind of got mad over little things. I believe I spent roughly $25 alone on that class since every time I forgot my student ID, I had to get a new one. Each ID costs $5 yada yada yada, you get the point. She annoyed me so much to the point where I started skipping her classes out of spite and it brought my grade down a bunch since she graded in-class notes. On a brighter note, I started growing friendships back up again and reunited with an old friend. One of which was Isaiah, a friend I've known since elementary but broke off with freshman year. It was over some stupid shit and honestly was both of our faults, but in all honesty, I'm glad it wasn't something that I couldn't fix. We ended up having the same class period for AP language, and little did I know that it would be my most favorite class that whole school year.

5th period... Where do I begin? It was definitely one of the most chaotic classes, along with my 2nd period, AP physics, and was probably my easiest AP class for the year. Along with growing friendships was with this guy Caleb. Look, for those of you who know him in real life, pretend you don't know me. Anyways he plays a big part in this year and I really wish I had known better. I wish I had known the information I know now, then, because fuck it would have saved me from so much trauma. Oh, yeah, there's lots of things that caused trauma this year so... go off I guess. Remember Andre? My love of my life in my last story? Guess who's not in my life anymore for certain reasons and we had to get the weewoo involved :D... But we'll get into that later.

Back to the beginning of the year...

I was skipping my classes like it was nothing. I'd skip so often that my grades went down tremendously. The first grading period was coming up and I skipped so often that I was at risk for failing. Usually I'm able to somehow bring it up at the last second, but I almost didn't this time. I was below the passing 70 mark and was ready to get my ass chewed out by my mom because I had failed the FIRST grading period. I stayed up all night that Thursday and turned in everything I needed that Friday morning. Once that was done and over with, I started focusing on choir more and more until it became my main goal for the school year. It was going amazing and my voice had developed so much that I was way better than I was freshman year. It had grown to the point where my voice teacher recommended that I audition for a $6000 opera opportunity after he found out that I could drive. OH YEAH I CAN DRIVE NOW! AND I HAVE MY OWN FUCKING CAR AND IT'S SO CUTE. I was so excited that I told my mom right away. Oh yeah, my parents. Plot twist! We are way better now and built a strong connection. Now that I could open up to them I felt more comfortable in my house and was allowed to express myself a bit more than before.

Now, let's get back to school related stuff since that's where most of the story takes place...

Choir was going so well for me that I advanced in region! FUCK YEAH. If you don't know what region is, it's basically explained in my sophomore year story. If you haven't read it yet, region is basically singing competitively amongst other students in other schools for a spot in the all-state choir. So where I'm from, I'd be one of the top best in the yee-haw state. Basically, I made it to round 2 and with each round you advance to, it gets harder. But for now... I don't have to worry until next month :)

A few weeks passed by and my blue hair dye was fading out rather quickly. I knew it was time for a new color so I set up an appointment with my hair salon and was not really prepared to drop so much fucking money. Was it worth it in the end? I think so. Did the red stand out a lot at first? Of course! Was I called Ariel for a while? Also yes... (little do you know that'll actually foreshadow something in my senior year story ;)). Not long after that it was my birthday party and I had a little get-together for myself. I invited my closest friends and boyfriend including Andre, Dawn, Aliea, Mika, D-Rod, and Maze to the party along with close family. We played in the bouncy castle, hit a pinata, got cake in my face, and played a card game called "New Phone Who Dis?". While playing, Dawn may or may not have spilt pineapple fanta all over the kitchen counter and made everything sticky, but it's alright, she was known for being really fucking clumsy. When family and some friends started leaving it was only Andre, Aliea, Dawn, and I talking alone outside in the somewhat starry night. We were talking about future plans and how our living situation is gonna look like with all four of us. Aliea was studying to be an engineer at A&M, Andre was still living at home taking care of his siblings, and Dawn was a senior in high school. The plan was going amazing, but didn't work out in the end. You'll figure out why in a few chapters.

It's now September 21st aka a bad bitches REAL birthday and I chose to go to Texas Roadhouse for my birthday dinner :D. At the end of the day, I felt uneasy. Something was missing and I just couldn't tell what it was. I went to sleep that night wondering what was wrong... Little did I know I would find out soon.

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