CHAPTER 6: The Sweet And The Sour

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Oh February. The month of love, roses, and all of that cute stuff. I hated it. I always thought that Valentine's Day was useless simply because you should treat your s/o with cute stuff every so often, not just on this one day in February. But who cares about my opinion, you're not here for that, you're here to read about my junior year story that I put off for so long. Now where was I? Oh yeah. Everything's back to normal after the musical and now students in the halls call me Sandy... Yay. Moving past all the annoying fucks to reach my 3rd period just to get shit on by Andrew, a classmate of mine. There wasn't an assignment to do that day so I was just talking to Andrew, when all of a sudden he received an email from some scam and decided to mess around with it. First the scam told him to sign up for some type of job and all Andrew had to say was "Yes." While I was dying laughing, making fun of him for getting himself into this situation in the first place, he got sent a check for $1,200 and my mouth DROPPED. Bro did absolutely nothing and received a check for it, but of course, we had to see if it was real. Andrew opened up his bank app, took a picture of it, and what do you know... IT FUCKING WORKED. HE WAS $1,200 RICHER THAN WHAT HE WAS BEFORE. We were both freaking out and going crazy, it was a good day for him. Until the next day came and that same $1,200 was gone. No trace of it was found and it was as if it never happened.

Oh great, now it's the day of love and cute shit everywhere. Although I wasn't the biggest fan of the holiday, I dressed up and dolled up my face with some eye makeup for the day. I was so excited for today simply because I wasn't going to be in most of my classes all thanks to choir. We decided to do "singing telegrams" this year and actually had some good income from it, but I wasn't really ready to embarrass myself in front of people I knew singing. Did I just play the role of a Texas squirrel and sing in front of 3 different big crowds 2 weeks ago? Yeah. So what? Point is, it's a lot different when you're on stage performing in character than when you're in front of people you've known for 3 years. Oh and I forgot to mention this, but Anthony asked me to go on a date with him to the local fair that just came into town and of course I said yes, but he had to talk to my stepdad first to "ask" I guess... Back to the singing lalala fun. I got to the school and went to my first three periods of the day, then headed down to the choir room to grab all the songs we were singing and who we were singing to. Although the singing part of the day was boring, Anthony and I made our breaks in between fun since I just kept messing with him.

The school day itself was pretty boring until it was getting close to the evening, where I was nervous, but excited the whole time. I went to go pick up Anthony, then headed back to my house to get Anthony and my stepdad to meet. We also agreed earlier to make it a double date with Mika and David, since they were our mutual friends and I've known Mika since my 8th grade year. After a fucking century of my stepdad talking to Anthony, we were finally able to go to the fair and enjoy our double date. We went on a few rides to kind of start it up, but after all of the fun rides, Anthony and I decided to ride the ferris wheel since the really cheesy plan was to ask me out on it. I know, I know, shut the fuck up it's really gross having to remind myself of this so that I can write it down. ANYWAYS, he asked me out and of course I said yes, then he kissed me and that was the end of that. I was so excited to tell Mika about the short minute of my life and went home the happiest ever. It was like I was in a fantasy where nothing could fuck it up. All until Andre found out EVERYTHING, which I should probably get to.

Now let me give a disclaimer. I am very aware that what I did was wrong and that I shouldn't have done it and agree that there are consequences to my actions and that karma is very real, but what Andre had done couldn't compare to what I had done. To start off, one of the things that Andre did was text me and confront me about cheating on him with Caleb, which I said that I knew was wrong and it lasted about 3-4 months. That's not what I was upset about, what I was upset about was Andre trying to control me and tell me that I should break up with Anthony, or else he'd tell my stepdad everything that we did in our relationship and I mean EVERYTHING. Basically blackmail. Oh and not to mention that Caleb at the time hated Anthony and I because I cut it off with Caleb, then I dated Anthony not too long after. I know that it was fucked I know. You don't have to remind me, but something like blackmailing me is on a whole other level. With all the panic set into my chest and my heart racing, I talked to Anthony, and we both decided that right now really isn't a good time and that we shouldn't be around each other. So, I did what Andre told me to do, and broke up with Anthony. Completely shattered, but understood that I had to put myself in a safe position so that my parents wouldn't find out.

Of course Andre wasn't going to just stop there, he continued to tell me that I couldn't hang around other guys and told me that I needed to have my location on for him so that he could view it whenever he wanted. I had to really push this whole Andre situation to the back of my mind and something that really helped me with that was getting my braces taken off after having them for 3 fucking years. Since the end of my 8th grade year to be exact. I got taken out of school early and left to go to the dentist where I would have to visit the ortho doctor one last time. I took one last video with them and reached my destination, parked, and walked into the office to tell the front desk that I was there for my appointment. Shortly after, I was called in and was told to lay down on the chair for what seemed like 2 hours. They showed me the brackets and all of the metal that was in my mouth only to hand me a mirror right after to see what I looked like without them on. Wow, I hated it. I had gotten so used to myself with them that the straight teeth I had waited so long for looked so weird on me. Of course there wasn't anything wrong, it just looked wrong to see no metal on my teeth after seeing it for 3 years straight. I got up from the chair and went to look for my mom in the front where she even looked shocked after I showed her. We paid and I was on my way back to the school. I was completely distracted with everything until Andre texted me asking to see a picture, and me not wanting to piss him off, I did. When I got back to the school, Mika was the first to see and she was so happy for me and complimented my teeth, yet I still felt so insecure about it all.

With softball starting to really get going, I was unable to work at all during the week, so I asked if it was okay if I could only work the weekends, and thankfully my manager was okay with it, considering I had been working there for almost a year already. After a few practices, my coach mentioned that we would be selling tickets to meet the team where people come and well, meet the team. I asked around during my classes to see if anyone wanted one and like expected, sold none. Of course it all went to my family and I came back the next day with all my tickets sold, not having to worry about the deadline like everyone else was.

Few more days go by and it's now time to meet the team. I showed up in decent clothing and sat with my team until food was ready to be served. We were all laughing up to the point where people started looking at us and I honestly didn't care since I was having so much fun. We got called to go receive our food and came back and sat down, just to eat and repeat our fun. We held a silent auction for signed posters or our "gift baskets", and a live auction for the varsity team's cakes. After all was done I was ready to go home and enjoy my weekend of working. Fun. I said bye to whoever was left there and headed to my car. Once I got in my car I noticed some strange man just walking around the parking lot saying whatever words were not in the english dictionary. I tried exiting but he was blocking the way. I started recording and copied down his license, when my coach came out of nowhere and asked what was going on. I pointed at the man and she went to go talk to him, but he still didn't make any sense. My coach went to notify the other coaches, but my teammates brother's were already walking his way with bats in their hands. After some yelling and screaming, the man finally moved and drove off to who knows where. What a fun night.

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