CHAPTER 3: The Beginning Of The Downfall

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I honestly can't remember much from my junior year, let alone what I did 5 minutes ago. What can I say, I've got the memory of a goldfish, and I'm not talking about the animal. Anyways, 3rd period. It was definitely up there on my list of favorite classes, but not because of the subject. It was because of the people. I had this table group of mine and it was Estella, Danny, and other people who aren't really relevant to me anymore. I knew Estella because of my freshman year in high school, but I didn't really talk to her often because I was kind of shy my freshman year. We sat next to each other in history and kind of clicked instantly. Every day we would walk in together and come in laughing about some tea or talking about something serious, but there was almost never a dull day with us in 3rd period. I may not remember much, but what I do remember was that she made my junior year special.

On the topic of special moments and fun memories, it was nearing the special holidays that everyone always cherishes and can never wait for. For my show choir, we would dance to many songs during christmas time and go out to perform in public places or for other students as well as other schools. We started learning the music during the late summer and early school year, only to forget it once we started to put the dancing with the singing. I will admit that our songs for junior year weren't the best, but we sure as hell made it fun with all the stupid jokes and fuck ups we had.

In the middle of trying to learn the christmas dances and memorizing the christmas songs, I was also trying to learn the new songs for round 2 of region. As soon as I realized that there was only a week left before auditions, I panicked because I knew damn well I wasn't going to make it past round 2. Fast forward to the actual day of region auditions, I didn't even bother listening to the tracks or looking at the sheet of music sitting in my lap the entirety of the bus ride. Once we arrived, I grabbed the tag to place on my shirt, knowing I wouldn't be singing once I got into the room. About 3 rounds of Uno later and 2 bags of chips, they called my number and I started SWEATING. I mean my timbers were really shivering at this moment. I was in the waiting area for about a good 15-20 minutes before walking into the audition room and was shaking the whole time. Once I stepped into the room it was completely silent, then the music started playing. The music I didn't know at all. I just stood there... FOR 7 WHOLE MINUTES NOT SAYING A WORD. I DIDN'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING BUT STAND THERE AND I WAS QUIVERING LIKE A NEWBORN BABY LEFT IN THE SNOW. Everything's done and I exit the room and the volunteer standing outside the door had the balls to tell me "You sounded great", and I don't think I've ever wanted to sucker punch someone more than ever before. I head back to where everyone else is at and I started laughing and told them the whole story. We stayed for about another 2 hours then loaded up the bus to go back home... Never again.

After my little embarrassing placement with all the other singers, it was time for the main event of the second semester for all high schools... THE RIVALRY FOOTBALL GAME. THE POP-UP STANDS FOR DIFFERENT CLUBS AND SPORTS TO RECEIVE SOME SORT OF INCOME. God bless America am I right? Yeah no I'm not religious don't trust my words. ANYWAYS... At my high school we called the event "Burn Baldy". (If you know what high school I went to based on that keep your mouth shut please and thanks <3) During Burn Baldy there would be booths placed all around the parking lot with a giant eagle a good distance away that we would burn towards the end of the event and we all get high hopes of defeating our rivals at the football game. This year was a little off simply because it was still towards the end of covid and it wasn't as packed as it usually is. I brought Andre along with his little sister so that we could spend time together since it was kind of harder to see each other with him graduated and I was still in school. We walked around to visit all the booths and grabbed some food until it was time for the burning of the eagle. I couldn't really see since I was towards the back of the crowd, plus being 5 '2 didn't help either, so Andre, his little sister, and I all stood away from the crowd and counted down with the rest of the crowd for the burning of the eagle. It took a while to start, but once it did, I couldn't stop staring at the flames and how bright the fire was. It seemed like my junior year was going to be my best year in high school and nothing could bring that down.

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