CHAPTER 4: The End Of Goods

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We're finally onto my favorite part of my high school years... Christmas performances! We do this little thing called "Encore Tour" and as I explained earlier, we sing and dance. We had traveled to nursery homes, elementary schools, and even public places like the galleria. Everything seemed so magical and full of spirit and I just loved Christmas time so much... until Andre and I decided that we thought it was best if we went on a break/broke up. (I don't remember which one it was but just take note that we split in some sort of way.) It was obviously not good for us the last couple of months, but we agreed to keep in touch and see if we could fix things between us eventually.

As we continued on our musical rehearsals, our directors, Marshall and Faye, decided to include the famous "Patchy the Pirate" to our musical and called Anthony into the office. I kind of already knew they were going to select him as Patchy only because I overheard Marshall talking to Faye about it during my lunch period, but nonetheless, I was still excited as if I didn't know. Anthony on the other hand... He looked like a poor puppy who lost his favorite toy under the couch. Bro was definitely not having it at all, but he had no choice but to take it because the only other option was Caleb, and last time I checked he doesn't even stay for the choir rehearsals. Patchy got to work immediately, and things were starting to look better for my junior year.

It's now the last week before Christmas break... the ending of the first semester to my junior year of high school. Crazy to think that I'm gonna be a senior in less than a year. Every year since I've been at my high school, our show choir hosts a secret santa for our class only, and I got Caleb's bitch ass this year, and if he wasn't already difficult enough, his list was so much worse. BLANK I TELL YOU. BLANK. So I had to go based on our conversations and really had to remember shit he mentioned or liked. Overall, I think I gave him a good gift in the end, and as for the person who got me, I enjoyed their gifts, until fucking David wanted to switch and created a whole mess. I don't remember what I got in the end, but I'm sure I liked it and cherished it.

This year, my parents decided to take a road trip during Christmas break and I was so happy to find out we were going to Grapevine. I packed my shit, annoyed my sister, and got my snacks ready for the trip, although, I had this huge headache the whole fucking car ride there and thought it was just cause I was in the car for so long. Yeah, no. I got sick. So sick, to the point I lost my fucking voice. But, I wasn't gonna let a few headaches stop me from enjoying my trip, plus I wore a mask the whole time and didn't like being around people, so I'd say I was fine. We visited a mall, went to a restaurant inside of this beautifully decorated town, played in an arcade, and just toured the area our whole stay. It was so beautiful and a great escape from all my problems back home. Speaking of problems from back home, Andre and I decided that it was "time" to get back together again after sweet talking over text messages. How romantic...

We drove back home after a few days and started getting ready for Christmas and I really wanted to bring Andre to my grandma's for the holidays, so I got the courage to ask my mom, and to my surprise, she said YES! I was so happy and so shocked and so was Andre. It's Christmas Eve and my family and I are at my grandma's house all having fun and gossiping about drama that happened within the last year, and my mom comes up to me and tells me that I can go pick up Andre. I left the door with excitement, forgetting to mention that I was leaving, and started speeding down the streets, ready to spend a holiday with him. I say hi to his mom, he gets in the car, and we drive to our destination. We arrive back at the place, and Andre says hi to everyone, then we just kind of chill in the living room while everyone else is outside freezing their asses off. A few hours go by and we're now all waiting around the tree for midnight to arrive. 3... 2... 1... MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! We all hug each other and sit down afterwards to open our presents. As always, the kids go first to open their gifts, then the adults follow after. Andre and I shared our gifts to each other last and made some good memories with everyone there.

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