CHAPTER 2: Starting Off Steady

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Fast forward to a few weeks after my birthday, I decided to make myself more involved with school to stay busy. I ended up going to a club meeting known as the "GSA'' club. There were only 5 of us in the meeting from beginning to end and it was the meeting that determined officers. Look, I wasn't planning on becoming an officer, but there was only the treasurer position left to take and the girl across from me refused to take it so... GSA TREASURER BABYYY! Over the next two weeks we talked about fundraisers and what our plan for burn baldy was. We settled on setting up a booth to help raise money for our club and help raise awareness for the LGBTQ+ youth.

Fast forward to October 22 and it's now the Astros vs the Red Sox. The Astros are in the lead 5-0 and just need these last 3 outs to advance to the World Series. Bogaerts hits to left field and Brantley makes the final out of the game... THE HOUSTON ASTROS ADVANCE TO THE WORLD SERIES! The crowd goes wild, cheers of joy and sadness all around the stadium. What a time to be alive... Although, that shit did NOT last long. We lost.

ANYWAYS, remember Caleb? Yeah that guy. Here's the basic rundown, Caleb and I were close at the time and there's no denying that. This guy named Anthony comes along, which is a surprise tool that will help us later, and we became an unbreakable trio. We started talking more and hanging out outside of school whether it be going out to eat, or simply staying after school. We got so inseparable to the point we all skipped our classes to stay with each other. There was this one instance that I remember very clearly, and it was when penises got brought up. LOOK. DON'T ASK ME WHERE, WHAT, WHEN, WHY, OR HOW IT HAPPENED... It just did. So Anthony is bugging Caleb to send a dick pick and Caleb has his phone in his hand READY. "Are you sure bro? Are you ready?", Caleb says. "WAIT DON'T OPEN IT YET", I yell to get a video. Anthony slowly opens the message, and next thing you know, he's looking at Caleb's dick. Yep. Pretty gay if you ask me, but that's just my opinion. We're all dying in the back hall, none of us in our class, then our choir director comes in and catches us. Shit.

It's been a couple of days since anything interesting has happened and now all of a sudden, it's the mental health fair. The mental health fair is just a little fair held after school and it has nothing to do with mental health, surprise surprise. All it is, is an excuse to make a booth for an organization and give kids candy, kind of like a trunk or treat. You're gonna have to trust me that this part is just a filler episode. Nothing too interesting to really talk about sooo onto the next big event in my life!

It's no surprise that Andre and I were hanging out often and that my parents were allowing it, but what really surprised me is that they let me take him and Mika to Kemah. A place that's kinda far away and forces me to get on the highway! I was so scared with all of them in the car with me, I thought they were gonna be the reason I crashed that night, but we all arrived in one piece. We got there and met my parents near a little hay bale by the main entrance and started from there. First, it was the spinny ride, then the train, then the pharaoh swing, then the mega drop, and finally, a fountain with no water in it. Yeah I said what I said. It just so happened that David was there with his little sister, so we decided to meet up by a fountain near the aquarium. Mika and David kind of talked for a bit while Andre, my cousin, and I were messing around for a bit. After a few minutes, David went back to his family and we were off on our own again. We played a few games and then the family decided it was time to go back home. I dropped Mika and Andre back home at their own places and went home happy as a baby playing peek-a-boo.

NOW, IT'S TIME FOR THE FIRST CHOIR CONCERT OF THE YEAR! THAT'S RIGHT, THE FALL CONCERT WHERE THE CHOIRS ARE BARELY COMING TOGETHER. The whole day I was so nervous because my boyfriend was coming to see me and see the choir program overall. I mean, it's not like I had a solo or anything, but it was still enough to get me nervous knowing he was gonna look at me almost the whole time. Right after school I get in my little car with some of my friends and go get some homophobic chicken before the concert and let me tell y'all... I fucked that shit UP. Continuing the important part, we got back to the school and were ready for this concert to be over with. After fall, it was Christmas time, my personal favorite, and so we were already over with this concert. It's time for encore to perform and guess what... We had to learn a line dance in 3 days :) I genuinely was so close to breaking my own knee caps just so I didn't have to perform that stupid thing. The embarrassing dance is now over with and the next group goes up to sing. After maybe 4 songs, it's time for the varsity choir to perform. Our director thought it would be fun to sing "All Star" by Smash Mouth, but in a more classy way. I won't lie... It didn't sound too bad. Sure there were some things we needed to fix, but for the first concert together, it wasn't bad. The night ended with my family saying hi as well as my boyfriend and some old friends and we all went home to go back to our regular schedule.

This year, Halloween ended up being on a school day and I decided to dress up since Andre and I planned on matching this year! I went to school in long black socks, white vans, a red plaid skirt, and a white long sleeve... yeah we decided on being nerds this year because we couldn't really agree on anything else. So original :) ... Anyways, the skirt really caught the attention of people since I don't really show my legs often nor was I confident enough to post about it on social media, so it was a big deal to some. The day was pretty normal until there was a pep rally for some reason that I can't remember, but it got me out of 3rd period! It was really boring from what I remember to say the least and it's honestly a blur for me. Skip a few hours and it's already time to go pick up my boyfriend and go trick-or-treating as two goofy looking nerds. We went door to door and walked with each other the whole time, slowly getting farther from the group. By the time we got back to my tia's house, we looked through all of our candy and spent the rest of the night making fun of each other in different ways. How I wish I could only remember the good points in our relationship.

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