CHAPTER 9: The Only Way To Finish, Is To Start

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Gabe and I started hanging out a lot more after finishing our AP test and dealing with school, and all we really did was that. We'd go different places to spend time with each other, and even talked about the upcoming summer and stuff we should do. Enough about my situationship, it was almost time for our last concert of the year... POP SHOW. If you read my last story, then you know what pop show is, but let me put it into simple terms for the new people. A normal concert, but at the end, we recognize our seniors and give them roses, then sing one last song together and it's very emotional to a lot of people, especially underclassmen. The week of pop show was kind of ass due to the songs not being fully memorized and last minute changes to songs that we were likely not to process until the night of the concert. Although the rehearsals were ass, the concert was not. We opened the show like normal, and every performance was amazing. There were no mistakes, everyone actually sounded good, and all the solos were amazing. It was now time to say goodbye to all the seniors. They lined up, received a rose and a speech from Marshall and Faye, and started crying. Everyone that had a connection with any senior started crying as well, since they would be leaving us in exactly a week before they walk the stage, and say goodbye to highschool forever. We sang our last song as a choir one last time, and celebrated once it was over. I went to go say hi to my family, and noticed that Andre sat with them, great. Anthony came over to me and had this plan to make Andre a bit jealous, but not so jealous that he would pull something, so all we did was hang around after the show and be stupid like good friends would. Andre texted me later that night and mentioned Anthony hanging around me, but I told him it was nothing to worry about, since it was true.

Now I'm up at 4am to pick up Gabe, Andrew, and Danny so that we could go to Ihop and eat breakfast before the bus leaves the school for our Six Flags trip. We arrive at Ihop and eat some decent ass meals, then head straight to the school. Gabe immediately went to meet up with his friends that were there, and I stuck with Estella and Cat until the bus arrived. Estella and I sat together while Gabe sat with his friends. Some other friends that joined me on my field trip were Caleb and Beto, and honestly, made it 10x more fun. Because it was so early in the morning, my ass fell asleep about 15 minutes after the bus started moving and I was slumped. Estella woke me up since we reached Buc-ee's and we all got off for some quick snacks and meals before hitting the road again, but while inside Buc-ee's, Gabe had texted me that he really wanted a kiss, so I told him that if he wanted it that badly, he'd come to me and find me to get one, but he didn't, so it kind of made me a bit upset. Anyways, we sat on the bus for a few minutes to eat, then went straight back to driving and heading to Six Flags. I fell asleep again and so did Estella, but we both woke up to a big ass bump in the road, and just stayed awake the rest of the ride. When we were about 15 minutes away, My AP physics teacher mentioned that the clouds were kind of gray, but I had checked the weather in San Antonio, and it said that there was no chance of rain, so I just shrugged it off. Once we got there, we had to do some last minute setting up so that we could all communicate just in case anything popped up, then we all entered the park at once and were let loose. In my group we had Caleb, Estella, Cat, Danny, Beto, and this other kid named Grayson. We all decided that we wanted to go on a rollercoaster first, so we headed to the nearest one that seemed to have the shortest line. Once we got in line it was a fucking HEAT STROKE if you didn't have a fan blowing on you. I mean we were dying. After waiting in line for about 30 minutes, we came across this other school that was there, and Beto decided to start hitting on this guy randomly, but what we didn't know was that he was actually gay. Don't worry, he knew we were fucking around, but it just made it 10x funnier to know that he was actually gay. So, Estella, Cat, and I gave it a try on this one girl and omg she was the funniest person we met there. We were all going back and forth on compliments and really made the wait shorter on our end. We got on the rollercoaster and had a blast before heading to our next ride. Remember that water ride I mentioned a few chapters ago?... We agreed that we should ride it to catch a break from the heat, but I may or may not have forgotten that I was anemic and all I had was breakfast at 4:30am. I started to feel light headed and had to sit down multiple times and have my group fan me so that I didn't pass the fuck out. Once we reached the float, we all put our smaller bags in my backpack so that it wouldn't get soaked on the ride. The first waterfall was coming up and Beto and Caleb had this brilliant idea to purposely shift the float to make me the only one who got soaked. It fucking worked and now I was soaking wet. How funny. They both wanted to get me again, but Caleb noticed that Beto was in a perfect position to get soaked, so Caleb told Beto that the positioning was perfect for me and to stop immediately. Before Beto could even think, he was 2 seconds away from the waterfall and quickly covered himself with his big ass backpack, and only got partially wet. We were all dying of laughter and once we got off the ride, we realized that we should probably eat something before going on the next ride. We stepped inside of this pizza place and found a table for all of us to sit at, and settled down. I was still pissed off at Gabe and tried to take my mind off of it, but I just couldn't. I told my group that I was going to the bathroom and left. Once I came out of the bathroom, I saw Gabe and his group out of the corner of my eye and started speed walking back to the building where my group was at, but it was already too late. Once I sat down, Gabe was behind me a few seconds, then had the audacity to hug me from behind and ask me what was wrong. I was already upset from before, and I was even more upset that the line for the food was over an hour long, and he somehow pissed me off even more. He got the hint eventually and backed off from me. Just then we got notification from our teacher that they were shutting the park down due to weather. I looked outside and it was already starting to rain. I told my group that we needed to leave, and so we did. Pissed and all, we walked through crowds of people together to reach the meeting point. We loaded the bus, and headed back home. Because of how bad traffic got, our bus driver decided to take a detour and we somehow ended up in a VERY white neighborhood. Trump flags everywhere, guns everywhere, and overall just very racist. We all made jokes and even our bus driver was laughing. Once we were out of the neighborhood, it got quiet again, so I decided to play a mobile game called "Heads Up" to pass some time by. It was stupid fun and had us entertained until we got to Buc-ee's again, only for Gabe to tell me how badly he wanted a kiss and that he really wanted to sit with me the rest of the way home. I told him that if he really wanted to, then he should just do it, but again, nothing. We loaded the bus and continued our journey home. Once we reached just outside of our town, Gabe started texting me and apologizing, and told me that head something to tell me once I dropped him off at home, I showed the messages to Caleb to get an honest opinion from a guy's perspective, and that's when Caleb mentioned that he still had feelings for me. I was in shock, but just shook it off and listened to music the rest of the ride home. Once we reached the school, I told Gabe that I was ready and we started driving to his house. Once we got to his house, he actually apologized and we had a few kisses here and there. I headed home to finally sleep, and got a rude awakening the next day.

Andre had seen that I spent time with Caleb at Six Flags and started getting upset. I mean really upset. He threatened to contact my parents and tell them everything from our relationship and stuff I had done with Caleb, unless I apologized his way. That evening I went into work and wasn't really able to text him that much since it was kind of busy. Once it was nearing the last few minutes of my shift, my manager noticed that I was kind of off today and asked me what was wrong. That's when I broke down and told him everything that Andre had been doing.

Pssst. From this point on, it gets REALLY rough and should be avoided if you're sensitive to other people's emotions I guess. Since I don't really want to remember everything and write it all down, here's a journal entry of mine that simplifies everything that happened that night.

"I still remember that night. I cried to my manager, the last time I had contact with him, crying on the way home and shaking, opening my front door with tears all over my face, telling my mom that I had to talk to her, him manipulating me over text, screaming & crying at the same time, puffy eyes, driving to his house [with my parents], in fear he'll pull something last second, going to the police, my poor [little sister] crying because she had to witness me suffer from something so traumatic, receiving [nothing from the police], waking up the next day as if nothing had happened the night before [and going to school]. I remember it all."

Long story short, I told my parents, we went to the police, and I could finally block him without the fear of blackmail. I was finally free and to this day have no contact with him.

Now that Andre was out of my life for good, I could finish my last week of school without any problems or fear that hanging out with someone would cause me trouble. A few days before pop show, everyone who wanted to be a choir officer had to submit their videos for the election to take place, and I submitted one to be one of the vice presidents of the choir. We finally got the results the last week of school and what do you know, I got the votes in favor of me! I was so happy to become VP of choir for my senior year and was just excited for senior year overall.

Weirdly enough, it didn't feel like the last week of school, let alone the second to last day of school. Because I was a member of the student council, the other junior officers and I were required to attend graduation, which wasn't a problem at all, and we got to see our favorite seniors walk the stage. I screamed for everyone that I knew and before you knew it, it was over. Graduation was over.

It's now the last day of school, all the seniors that graduated yesterday were forced to pick up their actual diploma today, so I got to see some people one last time before they left for a long time. I left all of my classes to go to choir and spend one last day there before summer break. One senior moment I'll cherish forever was with Bri, and we had a long talk and a long hug before she walked out of the fine arts doors one last time as a high school student. The rest of the seniors were already gone without taking a look back, and as the final bell rang, I felt a wave of sadness, but was really happy that my shitty junior year was over, and that I could look forward to senior year. So, thank you junior year, for really opening my eyes and showing me a bit of the real world, and thank you to everyone who was a part of my junior school year.

The End... For Now

Surprise surprise I plan to write about my senior year and hopefully don't have it as delayed as this one was, but thank you, the reader, for taking time to read about my junior year story all the way to the end. I highly appreciate you and don't mind if you spread this story around at all, but that's enough said. See you back next year hopefully :)

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