CHAPTER 7: The Aftermath... Again

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As the season continues, we get hit with our first and only tournament for JV. The night prior to us playing, Mika spent the night at my house. My alarm goes off for 6am, and Mika suggested that we stretch before leaving, since it's early and we're about to play an all day tournament. I promised the team donuts the day before in our group chat, and kept my promise. Mika and I headed to our usual donut shop and got 2 dozen donuts for the team and coaches. We headed towards the school and I parked where all the other coaches parked since I was the only one on the team with a car. We head inside and immediately everyone sees the donuts and hurries over to help Mika and I as we grab our bags from my trunk and go inside the building. We waited around 15 minutes for any late girls, then started loading up the bus for our long-ish drive to a school I actually forgot the name of. Thankfully, everyone has their own seats and can lay down comfortably, so you best believe I laid down and slept the whole ride there. Everything was fine until I woke up to a mean ass bump in the road and received a headache from it and that was enough to keep me awake. So, I did what any normal person would do and stayed up until we reached our destination. We got there a few minutes after I woke up and parked to unload the bus. I was already not feeling it because of how hot it fucking was but I had no choice, it was the outdoors. We dropped everything off at the field and headed to a grassy area to warm up and stretch. After a few throws with Mika, I told my catcher that I was ready to warm up pitching, given that I was the only pitcher on the team. After our little warm up, it was game time. We were home and I stepped on the mound with an uneasy feeling in my stomach, but gave it my all. Nothing really exciting came from that game other than the fact we won, and we now had a 2 hour break until the next game, so we decided on Chick Fil A for lunch. Once we arrived, I could already tell that the employees were gonna be upset given the number of softball girls coming in hungry af. We sat down and I enjoyed some time with the girls even though I was nervous around them. We laughed and ordered some more treats before having to head back onto the bus for our second game, until some girls decided to go into the playground and fuck around the last 10 minutes, but I just decided to stay outside since I wasn't completely comfortable with them. We all headed back to the bus, for real this time, and just jammed out to some music to pump us up for our game. Once we got back to the field, one of the girls challenged our coach to a dance off, and oh man, what the fuck. The music started playing, the girls were hyping them up, and I shit you not, they started going "The Jerk". My teammate went first, but was quickly interrupted by my coach who did it 100x better and everyone was hyped. We all laughed and turned the music off to head to the field, only for my arm to start hurting as soon as I threw a ball. I knew it was from pitching and I knew to tell my coach, but I was also the only one on the team. I stayed quiet and played all next game pitching, which only made my arm worse, but fuck it we won. We got to take a game break and I finally told my coach and she was a bit upset, but understood and gave me some Biofreeze to help it since she needed me for the last game. Oh yeah, we made it to the championship game since there were only 4 teams in total. Our break was over and we headed to the cages to start warming up like we usually do, until the opposing team came up to our coach and kind of started an argument complaining that they wouldn't have enough room for their team in the other cage, which was the same fucking size as ours, and that they needed ours as well. Of course my coach refused considering we were there first, and the opposing team went to tell their coach which I'll get to in a bit. My arm continued to hurt, but knowing that I needed to be able to pitch for the championship game, I thugged it out. We started the game, and immediately, the other team started talking shit to us and we were home. I went up to the mound, shaking with the feeling of being nervous, yet also excited, and threw the first pitch of the game. Strike. Next pitch. Ball. Ball. Strike. Ball. Fuck. I'm now at full count and I can feel everyone looking at me. I took a deep breath and pitched a curveball. STRIKE. First fucking batter of the game and it was a strikeout. I knew the outcome before even continuing the game. The game after that was kind of normal, until it was the final inning. We had the lead and had to finish the game, so we sent out the last batter, and what do you know. IT WAS A HOMERUN RAHHHHHHHHHHHH! We all went out to meet her at home and all celebrated extra hard for the other team since they started all this shit in the first place. We won first place in our one and only tournament and went home happy and tired. Once we were closer to home, one of our teammates got up and started singing "I Want It That Way" and walked up and down the bus for the full song and gave a full performance. We parked, unloaded the bus, and Mika and I drove to my house to finally rest after a long and successful day.

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