Hello To You Too!

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Jennie's first class was Basics Class and her teacher was Professor Yellowwood.

"In this class we will be learning the physiology of Pokémon, how they evolve to adapt to habitats. We will be spending more time outside than inside to go on expeditions, follow Pokémon guides and observe Pokémon. This class emphasizes on cataloging and updating the Pokédex."

Jennie listened intently along with her classmates.

"And right here right now, you will be receiving your first and only Pokédex. So don't lose it. And you very first Pokémon."

The excitement of the students skyrocketed and Mr. Yellowwood calmed them down. He gestured to the door,"Bring them in."


A Chansey strolled in, pushing a cart of poke balls and Pokédex's along with her.

"Thank you Chansey."

The Pokémon gave a lovely smile, saying it's name once before leaving.

Yellowwood turned back to the class,"Now, I am going to call you name one by one and you will come up here to take your pokeball and your Pokédex. Then we will go outside to the courtyard to spend more time with our Pokémon. First one up, Ashlee."


She startled at the call of her name but composed herself and went up to the cart.

Taking the Pokédex with her name on it, when she turned to the pokeballs, Jennie didn't hesitate on grabbing the one she saw under her name and went back to her seat.

She rolled the small contraption between her fingers. It felt warm.
Jennie opened the pokeball, towards the ground, unsure what Pokémon was gonna pop out.

A red fox with six tails appeared on the short cut grass and yawned. Jennie crouched to its level.

She kept her voice soft,"Hello Vulpix. I'm your new trainer."

Jennie let her hand rest in the space between them and the fix looked at it curiously then at her.

Jennie kept her face calm, not wanting to make it uncomfortable.

The Vulpix padded up to the hand and sniffed it. Then gave a small kitten lick to the tips of her fingers before diving her cheek in her palm.

Seeing as that she was granted the permission, Jennie sat down and rubbed the head of the fox while she took out her Pokédex.

As she scanned it, Vulpix took the luxury of crawling into her lap.

"Vulpix. The Fox Pokémon. A Fire Type. Inside Vulpix's body burns a flame that never goes out. During the daytime, when the temperature rises, this Pokémon releases flames from its mouth to prevent its body from growing too hot. It can freely control fire, making fiery orbs fly like will-o-the-wisps. Its beautiful tails make it very popular. However if not brushed diligently, it will be a mass of tangles before you know it. This Vulpix is a girl and has the Flash Fire ability. It only knows the moves Scratch and Ember."

Jennie gifted the fox with a head pat,"Flash Fire, huh? That means you absorb heat well."

The laying Vulpix expelled a breath of embers. Luckily, they were too small to set anything on fire.

"What a cool Pokémon!"

Jennie jumped a little at the voice, hustling Vulpix who yawned and expelled some embers before returning to its sleep.

"Oh sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

Jennie twisted a little to face the person who was the cause of her surprise.

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