A Mother To Be Respected!

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"I don't know how I'm going to wait so lone for it to hatch."

Jennie stared at the egg. It was mainly cream whit in color but had dark blue dots decorating it.

Her Pokémon watched as she pouted and complain,"I'm so curious. I wanna see it now."

"I'm sorry miss. You'll just have to wait. Our technology hasn't reached the point where we could find out the species of Pokémon inside an egg yet."

Jennie sulked,"Unfortunately."

"How about some training, ma'am? Zorua works hard on his new move when you're at school. It might do you well to see how far he's come with it."

Jennie perked up,"Okay! To the training grounds!"
Jennie hesitated but reminded herself that this was a serious matter and knocked on the door.

"Nurse Joy?"


The Pokémon doctor came up to Jennie, concern showing at the worry on the student's features.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"It's the egg. It dropped in temperature. It's almost cold now."

"Hand it here."

Nurse Joy took the egg and brought it over to machine. Then she sighed with a relieved smile.

"It's because the Pokémon inside is most likely an ice type. Or a water or ghost. Even rarer rock or ground."

She shrugged,"We can never really tell."

She repackaged the egg,"The egg's healthy. Just continue giving it warmth, okay?"

Jennie nodded,"Sure."
The egg hatched at the most unusual time.

In Type Effectiveness Class.

The bright glow came from inside the incubator and Jennie rushed to take off the cover. She distinctly noted that the classroom had gone quiet.

A crack appeared in the shell. Then a few more before the whole thing burst to reveal....

A Feebas.

Jennie smiled and the fish.


She snapped her head to the voice who laughed. Adrien was his name.

"You got a Feebas? Not only is it ugly, it's worthless too."

Now Jennie was a lot of things including a pretty patient person. But she could not even begin to describe the anger she felt at hearing the boy's statement.

She walked up to the smirking boy,"Call Feebas ugly one more time and I'll sack you in the face."

She leaned away.

"As for worth, you shouldn't be talking, Adrien. From what I hear, you've lost every battle since you came here. And with a Bulbasaur to boot but Bulbasaur is anything but worthless so maybe it's the trainer that is worthless not the Pokémon."

Adrien's smirk dropped and he hissed,"You-"

Mr. Gunner stopped him,"That's enough Adrien. I'm sending you to the principal's office if I hear one more word out of you."

The boy glared at his teacher then at Jennie who smiled,"Tsk."

He turned and sat back in his seat and Jennie returned to hers.

She placed Feebas in a pokeball.

Jennie hoped everyone got the message.
Jennie scrubbed intensely at Feebas's scales. They were rough so she had to run at them intently to make sure they were clean.

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