Aloha to Alola!

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"A school trip?"

Jennie nodded at her mother, still packing her bag. Zorua sat on her bed watching her.

"We're going to Alola."

Diantha sat down one her bed,"Are you planning on catching any Pokémon?"

"I'm thinking of going to Mount Lanakila and catching an ice type Pokémon. But only if the teachers allow me. Other than that, I'm not sure."

Diantha nodded,"Okay, you can call me if you need anything."

"I know that already mom. But thanks."
They were finally in Alola. They had originally landed on Akala Island and were welcomed by the Island Kahuna, Hala.

When he explained the basic of what an Island Kahuna does, some of her classmates were eager to battle him.

Still, since residing on Akala wasn't the plan and they were to stay on Ula' Ula Island, Hala had led them safely to boat, even helping them with their luggage. He was crazy strong.

Anyway, just three hours since they landed on the island and everyone was settling in to the rooms. Naturally, they had roommates.

"I can't believe we can stay here for a whole week!"

Candace shrugged,"I just can't believe they didn't let me battle Kahuna Hala."

Jennie smiled frankly, already unpacking her luggage,"Probably because we were all standing there with our luggage."

Ginny laid down on her bed,"I'm planning on catching lots of Pokémon here and being one step closer to my dream."

Candace looked to her,"You're planning on catching every single Pokémon in the world right?"


Jennie didn't make her input. While she was fully supportive of others' dreams, she could find more cons than pros with Ginny's dream of catching every single Pokémon.

Instead, after finally unpacking all her luggage, Jennie dragged on a jacket and a hat.

"Sorry girls but I'm taking my leave. I really wanna catch a Pokémon I've had my eye on for a while now."
Jennie accepted the jacket and boots from Isaac,"Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me."

The man waved her off,"I'm happy to lend a hand to a young lad any day. Even I forgot my coat when I first started working as a hiker back in the day."

Jennie started putting on the outfit,"Really?"

"Yeah. But I was so stubborn and went up the mountain anyway. Then a storm suddenly hit and I was in real danger. Luckily, Snover here saved me."

The green and white snow plant waved its arms,"Snover!"

"You must be extremely thankful to Snover."

"You bet. And the two of us work together now, saving anyone we can who gets lost in the snow."

As Jennie finally finished putting on the coat and boots, Isaac handed her her bag.

"I hope you have a safe trip now."

Jennie waved goodbye to the man,"Thank you. Have a great day!"
Jennie was on her third day of searching. Every day so far has ended in failure.

Jennie clutched the straps of her bag and her eyebrows were drawn right in determination.

"This time for sure!"
Jennie peered curiously into the cave.

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