Giving Play On The Second Day!

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It was the second day.

Jennie looked at today's schedule, Battle Etiquette would be her first class class today.

Yesterday, she had made sure to speak to Professor Sycamore about Brionne and she was now allowed to have her on the compound.

Jennie let her mind clear and she brushed Vulpix's fur. It was a surprisingly therapeutic activity that she discovered in Hyper Training Class which was just a class that though you how to take care and bring out the best of your Pokémon in all areas.

She became so focused on getting every stroke right and making sure Vulpix was enjoying herself that all other thoughts left her mind.

Vulpix cleared expressed her liking towards being groomed and even Brionne became jealous of her lack of fur.

"Milady, it's time to leave."


Jennie put away the brush in her backpack and walking out of the room. She held the door for her Pokémon to slip through before closing it.
Today in Battle Etiquette Class, they would be watching the second years battle.

"I hear that some of them have a full team already."

Jennie turns to William as the whole class walked to the Pokémon battle arena,"Really? But the school seems so strict about the Pokémon we have."

"Yeah, right now. But pass a few tests and you get the chance. Besides, I heard, in Breeding Class, we'll be raising our own eggs."

Jennie's jaw dropped,"We'll be wha-"

"Okay everyone, gather up!"

The voice of her professor called everyone over,"Today we'll be watching the second years battle. This will give you a closer look at what was explained in class. I want everyone to take notes so have out your supplies. Analyze everything. What moves they use, how they use it, how it affects their opponent, everything."

The students took out their notebooks, pens and pencils as two other students came out on the field.

Professor walked to the referee box,"This match is a one on one Pokémon battle. The match will be over when a Pokémon faints or the match is stopped by the teacher."

He looked to the two second years,"Dylan, Kira, you're both ready?"

They both nodded and he signaled for them to bring out their Pokémon.

The first one to bring out their Pokémon was Kira. Her choice was, simply put, a blue turtle. It stood on hind legs with two furry ears and one fluffy tail.

"Wartortle. The Turtle Pokémon. A Water Type. It often hides in water to stalk unwary prey. For fast swimming, it moves its ears to balance. Wartortle's tail is large and covered with a rich, thick fur and is seen as a symbol of longevity. The tail becomes increasingly deeper in color as Wartortle ages. It is said to be able to live past 10,000 years."

Dylan released his Pokémon. The most outstanding feature was its incredibly round figure. Its eyes were wide, cute and took up half of its small body. The arm an feet were even tinier than the tuff of hair hanging between its eyes.

"Jigglypuff. The Balloon Pokémon. A Normal/Fairy Type. Jigglypuff's vocal chords can freely adjust the wavelength of its voice. This Pokémon uses this ability to sing precisely at the right wavelength to lull its foes into sleeping. Jigglypuff possesses a vocal range exceeding twelve octaves, but each individual skill depends on its own effort."

"To be able to sing pass twelve octaves is amazing.",Jennie whispered softly.

"Damn, imagine being able to live for ten thousand years."

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