Do You Need A Sitter Sometime?

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"The old what and what now?"

Mr. Owen sighed,"The Old Raise and Switch."

The teacher went to lean on his desk and crossed his arms,"In simple terms, you will trade your partners over the weekend and switch them back the coming week. This is a way for you to get to know Pokémon other than your own which is especially important to those wishing to take on careers such as nursing."

Huber raised his hand. A Pidove was nestled in his hair.

"Have you picked who we'll be switching with, Professor?"

Professor Owen went around his desk and pulled out a black box.

"This will decide for us. Those with the same numbers will trade Pokémon."

Jennie ended up getting the number eight and switched Pokémon with Ian. Vulpix was now replaced with a Rockruff.

"Uh Jennie, just a warning, Rockruff is a bit...disobedient is one way to put it. I'm sorry I'm advance for the trouble he'll cause."

Jennie shook her head,"It's fine. Vulpix needs a lot of care to. That Pokémon mix I gave you is really the only one she'll eat and she likes having her fur brushed at least twice everyday, once in the morning and the next in the night. Also she expels fire at random intervals when the weather is sunny so watch out for flammable objects."

Ian nodded a bit uncertainly,"Thanks."

Jennie stared down at Vulpix,"And you behave okay Vulpix."

Vulpix smiled up at her trainer, tail wagging,"Vul!"
Ian was ready to give up. Vulpix simply refused to eat!

He tried pushing the bowl closer to the lying fox,"Please Vulpix...just a couple of bites!"

Only for Vulpix to turn her head indignantly.

Ian sighed,"Oh come on." He tried to touch the fire type only to receive an Ember to the face.

"Ow! Ow! OW! Hot!"

As Ian outed the fire on his face, Vulpix padded over and curled up beside his Yamper.

He caught eye contact with his Skwovet who was stuffing its cheeks with Vulpix's food.

Ian sighed.
"Okay now Rockruff. At the end, your going to strike a pose like this!"

Rockruff copied the pose Jennie was doing on the ground which caused her to nod excitedly,"Yes! That's it! Great job!"

His tail immediately started wagging at the praise and Rockruff couldn't help itself when it launched itself at the girl and rubbed its rocks together.

"Ow Rockruff! That's hurts!"
Ian had finally got Vulpix to eat at least two berries before now taking it for a walk.

As they walked throughout Coumarine City, Vulpix suddenly darted off.

"Hey! Vulpix!"

Ian ran after the fire fox, stopping and waiting for the traffic light to turn red when it ran across the street.

He traced Vulpix to a pastry shop and she was greedily staring up at the pokepuffs. Ian sighed and knelt down.

"Do you want one?"

Vulpix turned its head to smile at him, tail wagging eagerly at the delightful smells from the decorated sweets,"Vulpix!"
Jennie clapped once and put his hands on her hips causing the Pokémon present to pause.

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