The Beginning To An End!

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"Today, we are having a dance competition!"


"A dance competition?! But exams are coming up!"

Mrs. Marsh raised a finger,"Exactly! This is your exam!"

"It is?!"

Mrs. Marsh couldn't help but chuckle,"Sure."

The students pulled a face,"Sure?"

Candace raised a hand,"Miss aren't you too relaxed? This is an exam."

Chase nodded,"Miss Hightup grills us daily about how we'll fail if our dishes taste bad."

Tanya clutched her head,"And what's even worse is that it has to be a completely original dish!"

"Being a Pokémon trainer isn't easy."

The teacher chuckled,"I know how serious the others are. Which is why the only requirement to pass my exam is to create a dance for your Pokémon that brings out its characteristics."

Milan raised a hand,"Wait this dance is for our Pokémon?"

Mrs. Marsh paused, surprised,"Yes. Who'd you think it was for?"

The students sighed.
Jennie laid down on her bed,"I have plenty of choreos but one especially for Vulpix alone?"

She looked to the fox, who was curled up around the egg to give it warmth.

"A complete fire performance..."
The competition was going quite fine. Performance after performance, some successful and some less than so.

Then finally, it was Jennie's turn.

Three stick props were lain out before Vulpix.

Jennie led her from besides the stage,"Throw them in the air Vulpix."

Vulpix did and she continued to juggle them.

"Now light them on fire."

With the use of a little fire, the sticks were now encased in flames. This didn't bother Vulpix who continued to juggle them.

"Now finish up."

Throwing all three sticks in the air, Vulpix jumped after them. They stacked on top of each other and Vulpix did a handstand on the top. The fire in the sticks burst in sparkles at the last minute.

Vulpix got a roaring applause.
It was a Saturday and Jennie was preparing for bed after a successful concert.

Then a glow came from her nightstand.

"Wha-",she mumbled half-asleep.

Only to jump up as she realized the egg was hatching.

She gently took it out of the incubator. Multiple cracks appeared but it was taking a long time to break.

"Come on little one..."

Then a puff of white ears.....then a tail....and finally an Alolan Vulpix was revealed.

It yawned and stared at Jennie.

She smiled at it and it suddenly became excited jumping at her.

"So what's your parents like?"

Today was the last month of school and the school board was holding an open house for the first years and a going away party tomorrow for the second years.

Parents were invited to come so Jennie was waiting on both of them.

"My mom is like my best friend. Nothing much else to say. But my dad, fair warning, he's got a complex. He's a bit-"


Jennie sighed and only got to turn a bit before she was smothered in a hug.

"Hi papa."

"Aw, my sweetheart

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"Aw, my sweetheart. You grew a full inch since I last saw you."

Jennie's eyebrow twitched,"You don't have to rub it in."

She sighed and turned back to Milan,"This is my father, Chris-"


Milan's eyes were shining. Jennie chuckled awkwardly,"Ah yes. My father-"

"Is the founder and owner of the world famous fashion brand, Pokémon Secret! I love his outfits!"

Christian chuckled,"Why thank you."

Milan blushed,"So handsome..."

Jennie rolled her eyes and fought to get out of her father's strong hold.

"Dear, why don't you let Jennie go for a moment?"

Christian let Jennie go immediately to bow before the owner of the voice.

"My love, of course. Your wish is my command."

Jennie chuckled awkwardly,"As you can see. My father has two complexes."

Milan only squealed.
"A gift?"

"Yup. Your mom gave you Popplio right? I want to give you this."

Jennie took the pokeball.

She opened it.

A Ralts stood there.
"So this is it huh?"

Milan, Jennie, Serena, William and Ethan all stood in front of the school.

The last day was over.

Milan turned to them,"See you guys next year?"

Ethan nodded,"You bet!"

William nodded.

Serena smiled,"I'll be going on a lot of contests so watch me okay?"

Jennie nodded,"Sure!"

Milan flipped her hair,"I'll be working with Mr. Williams on a new Pokémon line. I'm making it big."

Jennie chuckled.

"I'll be holding a tour with all my Pokémon."

Then she turned to William and Ethan.

"What about you guys?"

Ethan smiled,"I'm going to Kanto. To work at Cerise Laboratory. I'm well on my way to becoming a scientist."

William shrugged,"And I'll be upping my skills in the kitchen. Soon I'll make a dish no one can resist."

Milan nodded,"So we all got something to do then."

They stood for a while. William was the first to walk off.

"See ya!"

Ethan went after him,"Bye!"

Milan too,"Later!"

Serena,"Have fun on your journeys!"

Jennie smiled,"See you next year everyone!"

They all waved.

Jennie smiled once again,"See Bernard. I got this."

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