Chapter Nineteen

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SOPHIE JUMPED WHEN ELYSIAN APPEARED RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. She had been expecting a wait, especially since she had showed up right at dawn, and Elysian had never specified a time, or an exact meeting spot.

But she had been waiting for less than a minute.

"How did you get here?" She asked. Elysian hadn't glittered into sight, she had just appeared, like Biana did when she reappeared after vanishing.  "And also, how did you get here the same time as me."

Elysian smiled. "I can always see you Sophie," she said. 

Sophie tugged an eyelash. She didn't feel great about any of this, especially since she had listened to Elysian, and didn't have any backup. She had almost brought Keefe, but she talked herself out of it. Instead, Keefe, her parents, and whoever else asked thought she was off visiting Amy in the forbidden cities. So if something did happen, no one would know where she was.

"Don't worry Sophie, I'm not here to hurt you," Elysian said, reminding Sophie that she could read her impenetrable mind. Another reason why Elyisan made her feel so uneasy.

Elysian sighed.

"You seem to have forgotten that I'm only here to help. I have locked up everyone who has tried to hurt you and your friends. But I can see that you don't trust people easily. Maybe once you did, but after everything you've been through, it's gotten harder and harder. And it's very understandable. So I'm willing to do whatever I can to gain your trust."

"Thank you," Sophie said. "Maybe to start, don't read my mind without my permission."

"That is very reasonable," Elysian said. "I will begin to refrain from the temptation."

"Thanks," Sophie said. And she felt a little bit lighter now that her thoughts were private. She hated knowing that her thoughts had no privacy.

"So... what do you need me for?" She asked.

Elysian smiled. "Sophie, you are the greatest elf I've ever met. You have already helped the elvin world so much in the time you've been here. You have uncovered secrets. You have fought the council's enemies for them, and helped them see who their true enemies were. You have given the elves hope. You have more influence than any other elf in the lost cities."

"Yeah," Sophie said. She was pretty sure half of the things Elysian had said weren't true, but she didn't correct her. "What does that have to do with anything?"

Elysian sighed.

And I have a big project, that might seem impossible, but with the right people, we could accomplish it. And it would benefit the elves, and the humans."

"So what do you want to do?" Sophie asked.

"Please do not panic over my idea," Elysian said. 

"I won't panic," Sophie said. 

"You must promise that you will give my idea some consideration," Elysian said.

"I promise to hear you out," Sophie promised.

"I want to reconnect with the humans."

If Sophie had brought any of her friends there, they would've probably had a major freak out.

And part of Sophie wanted to freak out too. 


Another part of her wondered if it was a valid idea.

A long time ago, humans had known elves existed. And the only reason the elves had to shut it down was because of Vespera. But if humans had access to the elves resources, and their ideas... wouldn't there be a lot of benefits? 

After StellarluneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant