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Synopsis: After obtaining all five of the dimensional keys, Gary and the Team Squad return to Inner Space so they can finally free Bolo, and enter Final Space to rescue Quinn! However, Avocato (still possessed by Invictus) comes back for revenge, and the Team Squad learn that a sixth key is needed to truly free Bolo, and it requires a sacrifice from one of them......



Well, we had a long time coming, but we finally did it! After a race to the doomed planet of Rugaro to grab the fifth dimensional key, before Gary's mother Sheryl Goodspeed can get her dirty hands on it, our heroes managed to not only beat her to it, but successfully managed to steal back all the four keys stolen from them! Now that our heroes have all five of the keys, they begin their journey to Inner Space to accomplish their determined task of freeing Bolo, and rescuing Quinn! Also, HUE and AVA shared a body for some time, and Todd's whereabouts are currently a mystery.




The episode opens with the Crimson Light travelling through lightfold. Inside, Gary and the others look at the five dimensional keys floating before them

Nightfall: Our course is set for Sector 12 Region 6.79.

A.V.A.: Arriving at the Orion Nebula in T-minus 30.

Gary Goodspeed: Got to be honest. I can't believe we got all five dimensional keys. Not sure how we did it.

Nightfall: Simple. We never gave up.

Little Cato: Gary, you've got to make a decision. Are we freeing Bolo?

Gary Goodspeed: I can't make one more wrong call. If my mom is right and Bolo's evil, I could lose all of you.

Little Cato: My dad taught me a trick.

Gary Goodspeed: I did?

Little Cato: No, my other dad.

Gary Goodspeed: Oh, yeah, sure, yeah. Avocato.

Little Cato: He said, "If you don't know what to do, find the least trustworthy person you know and do the exact opposite."

Gary Goodspeed: That's actually really great advice, son.

Gary and Little Cato fistbump. Sheryl then enters the room.

Sheryl Goodspeed: Hi, Gary.

Gary Goodspeed: Not now, Mom, alright? "realizes" W- Oh, wait. Mom?!

Sheryl aims her blaster at Gary. Everyone else aim their weapons at her.

Nightfall: How did you get out of the cell?

Sheryl Goodspeed: Come on. You know there isn't a jail cell in the galaxy that can hold me.

Gary Goodspeed: I bet it was K.V.N..

K.V.N.: Hey, Gary.

Tribore appears in the doorway.

Tribore: No, it was me. She told me I would simply look dashing in a romper, which I've been very on the fence about. But she was so right.

Sheryl Goodspeed: (to Tribore) I lied.

Tribore: Doesn't matter. No take-backs!

Gary Goodspeed: Shut up, Tribore. (to his mother) Alright, look, you're going back to your cell.

Sheryl Goodspeed: Not without the keys. I need them if I'm ever gonna see your father again. You stopped me from being with him when you were born. You are not gonna do that again. Now, be a good boy, and get out of my way.

Final Space: The Novelization: Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now