On the swing||ch-1

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Jeonghan didn't know how it happened but somehow he woke up in a dark, endless void. He doesn't even remember where he was before passing out. As he looked around while getting up he felt panic rush in. Where was he? How as he supposed to get out? Everywhere he looked it was just an endless void. No light, no sign of another living being, nothing.

He took a deep breath 'don't panic' Jeonghan looked around but it was no hope. There was nothing.

Suddenly he saw a figure walking towards him, looking rather relaxed.

"Hi." The strange man said. He sounded very positive which only confused Jeonghan more

"Hi?" Jeonghan replied hesitantly

The man brought out his hand for Jeonghan to shake and Jeonghan did exactly that.

"I'm Joshua." Joshua stated his name while still shaking Jeonghan's hand

Joshua? The name sounded very familiar but Jeonghan couldn't remember where he had heard it

"Jeonghan." Jeonghan gave his name

They let go of eachothers hands and just stood there for a while before Joshua spoke "I'm guessing you're lost?" Joshua laughed lightly at the end of his sentence

"Yeah.." Jeonghan gave an awkward laugh as well. He didn't understand why Joshua was laughing when they were literally in the middle of nowhere

"Do you know a way out?" Jeonghan asked. Joshua was his only help at the moment because he couldn't seem to find any other human other then Joshua

Joshua nodded his head cutely and reached out his hand again. "Let's go."


They walked for what felt like forever but it still looked like they made no progress. It seemed like the void was never going to end which made Jeonghan more worried.

"Hey look!" Joshua pointed at a swing that was hanging from a tree. He was practically jumping in excitement when he saw it.

"When did that get here?" Jeonghan thought. He was tired from walking anyway so he let Joshua drag them to the swing.

Joshua was like a little kid. Always smiling with the cutest eye smile. He always found a way to be positive in a horrible situation. Even though Jeonghan didn't knew Joshua very well he still liked him. Jeonghan saw the innocence in Joshua's eyes and he wanted to protect it with all his might.

They sat on the swing and for some reason, suddenly the whole place had gone much more welcoming then before.

Joshua wrapped his hand around Jeonghan's and rested his head on Jeonghan's shoulder. The swing was slowly moving back and forward as Joshua hummed an unknown song.

They sat in silence for a while. Jeonghan looked over to Joshua who had his eyes closed. If breathtaking was a person, it would be Joshua. He looked so peaceful that it made Jeonghan forget that he was stuck in a black void.

Suddenly, Joshua shot his head up to look at the older, suprising him while doing so.

Jeonghan looked into Joshua's honey brown eyes. They held the entire galaxy in them. Jeonghan took his hand out of Joshua's grasp and wrapped it around Joshua's waist, his other hand firmly holding Joshua's face. He didn't know what possessed him but he had this urge to kiss Joshua. Maybe it was Joshua that took over his senses.

Jeonghan didn't do anything. He was too scared, thinking that if he does anything weird Joshua will run away and never return. Joshua was his only hope. He couldn't afford to loose him.

Jeonghan was surprised when he felt Joshua crash their lips together. It was unexpected but enjoyable. Joshua clearly wasn't an experienced kisser so Jeonghan took the lead.

Jeonghan moved his lips with enough pace as to not overwhelm Joshua. It seemed like it was Joshua's first kiss so Jeonghan went very gentle on him.

Jeonghan lightly bit Joshua's bottom lip. The unexpected action made Joshua gasp with pleasure. This gave Jeonghan the opportunity to explore Joshua's soft mouth even more.

Jeonghan could tell Joshua was getting tired as he felt the younger whimpering under his touch. He broke the kiss as to give Joshua time to calm down. Even though he thought to go gentle on Joshua, Jeonghan couldn't help himself from kissing the younger brain-dead.

They looked into eachothers eyes, wanting more then just a kiss but they had other things to take care of right now.

Joshua smiled and buried his head into Jeonghan's neck.

The moment felt familiar yet fresh. It felt like Jeonghan had already experienced this before but he couldn't recall where or with who. Deja vu is a crazy thing, isn't it?

After staying like that for a while they both finally got up and started walking again.

The void might be scary and frightening but Joshua's aura made it really comfortable for Jeonghan. Jeonghan wanted to spend more time with him. He decided that once they were finally out of the void, he would claim Joshua as his. For now he needed to find a way out of here.

Authors note:-

Wellcome to my 2nd jihan book!!

I hope you enjoy this one also the chapters in this book will be shorter

So my crush just confessed to me but i rejected him saying I'm not ready. He said he would give me time but then messaged me again saying how sad he was because I rejected him but idk what to do.

I'm not ready to be in a relationship plus I'm still not sure if i like him more then a friend

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Pls look forward to the next ones!!!!

Sorry for any grammatical mistakes

Thank you for reading!!!

Luv ya 🤟🏿


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