Getting chased||ch-3

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Jeonghan didn't know how he found himself in this situation. It was a peaceful walk until suddenly a group of what seems like paparazzi and reporters started chasing them.

They started yelling things like- "Do you feel as if you have disappointed you fans!?" Or "What made you realise that you were into men!?"

Jeonghan was beyond confused. Did they think Joshua and him were dating? And what fans? Jeonghan doesn't even remember if he's gay or not.

As the people kept getting closer, Jeonghan tightly grabbed Joshua's hand and ran faster, dragging Joshua with him.

None of it made sense. How could these people just appear randomly and start chasing them.

They ran until Jeonghan saw a metal door, or what looked like a big sheet of metal but it was close enough to be called a door.

He pulled himself and Joshua behind the sheet of metal. Engulfing Joshua in a big hug as he saw the younger trembling in fear. He tightly covered Joshua's ears, preventing any noise that came from the big group of people.

After a minute of silence, Jeonghan looked over the sheet of metal and suddenly there was no sign of the crazy reporters.


This whole place was confusing. His existence was confusing. Joshua was confusing. How could a grown man look so positive and happy in scary place like this, and moreover if Joshua knew the way out then why didn't he go out before. Was he waiting for Jeonghan?

What felt like a chase scene in an action movie all went away with the whole place turning into a black void again.

God, this was annoying.

Jeonghan's focus went onto the trembling male in his arms. He watched as Joshua tried to calm himself down by squeezing his face in Jeonghan's chest and taking his sent in.

This clicked something inside Jeonghan. Joshua found comfort in Jeonghan, he felt safe in Jeonghan's embrace and it made Jeonghan want to protect the younger even more. Jeonghan had to protect Joshua. Jeonghan hugged the younger tighter, leaving small kisses on the top his head.

"I'm sorry..." Joshua sniffled

People feel heartbroken in many different ways like breakups or loss of someone special but Jeonghan felt his whole world shatter after the words escaped Joshua's mouth.

A sudden urge to kiss Joshua all over and tell him it wasn't his fault came in. Jeonghan could've spent the rest of his life comforting Joshua, even forgetting about the situation they were in, only to see the younger happy again.

"Don't say that." Jeonghan sternly said

And Joshua being the good boy he is, immediately obeyed.




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