The last time||ch-5

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The walk was long and boring. Jeonghan doesn't know where they were walking to but he never knew that from the start so why complain now.

Everytime he would look over to Joshua the younger would have a peaceful smile on his face. Not like Joshua didn't have a smile on his face from the beginning but this one was different. It was as if Joshua had succeeded in something. Jeonghan just couldn't make out on what was Joshua smiling at.

Soon they stopped and the aura around them changed. It felt....nicer? Well better then the void. There was still endless black around them but something in the air changed, calming Jeonghan's senses down.

Jeonghan saw white cotton candy mist around him. He swear he was hallucinating. There's no way a place so dark and scary would have a calming aura and beautiful fog. It looked like a fairytale and Jeonghan refused to believe it.

It wasn't until Joshua tapped Jeonghan's shoulder to get him out of his daze. When Jeonghan looked over, Joshua was quick to connect their lips.

The kiss was desperate. It was messy yet so meaningful. The movement was all over the place but so organised that Jeonghan quickly understood and started kissing back with a much calmer pace as to calm Joshua who looked like he would have a panic attack any second.

Once they pulled apart Jeonghan found the younger crying. No, sobbing. It broke him completely but before he could hug him Joshua whispered "I'm sorry."

The next thing Jeonghan knew was he was falling. Joshua had pushed him to somewhere Jeonghan couldn't make sense of. The last thing Jeonghan saw was his love crying as the white mist completely took over his vision.

Jeonghan found the way out. But as for Joshua...

Jeonghan never saw Joshua again.

Authors note:-

Do you think they will be able to see eachother again?

If you have any questions don't worry. I'm positive the next and last chapter will answer more of it.

Thank you so much for reading and supporting this book.

Pls look forward to the next chapter ☺️

Luv ya 💕

Foolish||Jihan~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant