Chapter 2

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Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The robots were quickly put away and Hiro went to open the door. Aunt Cass was standing outside, looking a little worried.
"Hiro, someone from your school is here," she said. "She says there's been a break in."
The group hurried out of the room and ran down stairs. Standing in the cafe was Abigail Callaghan, their old professor's daughter. She worked with the friends in the lab and was smart, just like her father. But right now, she looked scared out of her mind.
"Thank goodness I found you," she said. "Someone broke into the lab at the school. Come on."
She hurried out the door, the friends following after her.
"What was stolen?" Honey Lemon asked as they ran.
"I don't know," replied Abigail. "I was walking by the lab when I heard someone inside. I opened the door and saw someone looking through your inventions. When he saw me, he grabbed a piece of equipment and ran right past me."
"Did you see who it was when he or she ran past you?" Fred asked.
"No I did not," said Abigail.
"Whose stuff were they going through?" Wasabi asked.
"Hiro's," was Abigail's answer.
"Do you know what they stolen of mine?" asked Hiro.
"Yes, it was the one that switches peoples brains," Abigail said.
"What! That was one of my best inventions. We need to find out who did this and why." Hiro said.
The group arrived at the school and ran inside. They ran to the lab and threw open the door. Most of the stuff inside had not been touched, but Hiro's work space was a mess. Hiro raced over to his stuff and looked around. He pulled out a red and purple box and said, "ow," The light lit up and the box opened. A white fluffy robot inflated from it and looked at Hiro.
"Hello, Hiro," he said. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, Baymax," Hiro replied. "I'm fine. I was just worried."
"About what?"
"Someone broke in here and stole one of Hiro's inventions," Honey Lemon said.
"Oh, no," Baymax replied. Since he was a robot, his voice had no emotions to it. Sometimes it was very entertaining to listen to. "What was stolen?"
"My machine that switches people's brains," Hiro explained. "We have to get it back before someone uses it."
Fred squealed.
"Does this mean what I think it means?" he asked.
"If we're thinking the same thing, Fred," Hiro said, "then yes."
He pressed a button in the wall. A section popped out and opened, revealing six suits.
"Woah," Abigail breathed. "Where did these come from?"
"A year ago, we were superheroes," Go Go said. "Hiro and Baymax helped rescue you from the portal."
"That was you guys?"
Hiro nodded.
"Can I help you guys?" Abigail asked.
"Sure," Hiro said.
"We need to give you a suit and we need to find you a power," Wasabi said.
"What do you want your power to be?" Hiro asked.
"Well, I always wanted to fly, since I'm a pilot," Abigail said. "And having teleportation would be kinda cool as well."
"Okay, I will try to put that in your suit," Hiro said.
"Thank you, Hiro," Abigail said.
"Your welcome."
In only twenty minutes, Hiro and his friends had built a suit for Abigail.
"Done," Hiro said. "How do you like it, Abigail?"
"I love it, but how do I fly in this? It just looks like a regular suit." Abigail asked.
"Well, I made it so when you thrust your hand out like this," Hiro said, extending his hand forward, palm up, "a portal is created any where you are thinking."
"Oh wow, thank you. Can I try it on?"
"Sure, here you go," Hiro said.
Abigail took the suit from Hiro and tried it on.
"Comfy. So, I just put my arm out like this?" Abigail asked.
She thrusted her arm out, her palm facing the ceiling. A portal appeared to her left and right. She walked through the one to her left and walked out of the one that was to her right.
"Woah," she said.
"Try flying," Honey Lemon said. "Just jump in the air and the rockets boosters in your shoes will turn on."
Abigail took a big jump and froze in the air. Her boots had turned on and she was flying. She laughed with delight.
"Thank you all so much," Abigail said once she landed.

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