Chapter 8

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"Wow," Fred said. "My head hurts."
"You got beat up, Fred," Go Go said. "What do you expect?"
"I do not know. I thought I was going to be dizzy."
"Well, that was wrong."
"Well, duh, I know that now."
"How are you all feeling?" Baymax asked.
"My head hurts a lot," Fred,Go Go and Wasabi said.
"How are you, Honey Lemon?" Baymax asked.
"I'm not feeling so good," Honey Lemon said.
Honey Lemon suddenly threw up.
"That was a reflex from getting hit so hard and falling on the ground," Baymax said. "I want you to get a lot of rest and drink plenty of water."
Honey Lemon fell asleep.
"What are we going to do about that person who took your invention?" Go Go asked.
"When you guys are better, especially Honey Lemon, we are going to train," Hiro said.
"Okay, are we going to train at Fred's house?" Abigail asked.
"If it is okay with Fred," Hiro said.
"That's cool," Fred said.
"Okay," Hiro said. "We really need to train better because we stunk out there."
"Well, no kidding! Just look at us!" Wasabi said. "You and Abigail did not get hurt."
"I know," Abigail said. "I love riding on Baymax. It is fun!"
"Hey, Baymax!" Hiro said. "Do you have an estimate of when they will be better?"
"They will be better in 1 day, but Honey Lemon will be alright in 2 days," Baymax said.
"So that's when we'll start training. Here's what we'll do. We'll spend an entire day working on improving our skills. Whoever's body someone is in, that person helps the other. For example, Fred will show Go Go everything she needs to know about his suit and its abilities."
"Sounds like a good idea to me," Go Go said.
"Me too," Fred and Wasabi said.

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