Chapter 5

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It was nine in the morning when the group of heroes. All of them were still a little tired, but that changed almost instantly once Honey Lemon screamed. But it wasn't her own voice that came out of her mouth; it was Wasabi's!
"What the heck?!"
"Honey Lemon?" Hiro asked. "What's wrong with your voice? You sound like Wasabi."
"Um," Abigail said, with the voice of Honey Lemon.
"What's going on?" Fred asked. His voice came out of Wasabi's mouth.
"I have no idea," Hiro said. He looked down at himself. He was in Go Go's body. "Woah!" He paused. "Wait a minute. That person who broke into the lab, he used my invention," Hiro said.
"How in the world did that person get into my house?" Fred asked.
"I have no clue," Wasabi said.
"Wait a second," Go Go said. "Am I in Fred? That is so gross."
"Let's hurry and get to the lab at school," Hiro said. "I can see if I can reverse the effects of my machine."
The group quickly gathered their things, Hiro also grabbing Baymax's box, and ran out of the house. They got to the school within a few minutes. They ran to the lab and Hiro set to work. After a few minutes, Hiro/Go Go looked at his friends.
"In order to reverse the effects, I would need my invention," he said. "Let's gear up and look throughout the city."
"All right!" Fred said. He ran to press the button on the wall.
"Hey, wait," Honey Lemon said. "If we are in different bodies then wouldn't we have to learn a different power?"
"Oh yeah," Hiro said. "I totally forgot about that. Let's get the suits on and we can learn our new powers after."
The group agreed to this and quickly got their suits.
"Hey, Honey," Wasabi said. "Could you help me with this suit?"
"Sure," Honey answered.
Honey, who was in Abigail, walked over to Wasabi/Honey Lemon. She showed him how to put on her suit.
"Ow," Wasabi said. "This suit is tighter than mine."
"That's also because your in another body, Wasabi," Go Go answered. "At least you aren't in a suit that smells like molding socks."
Suddenly, Baymax began to inflate. He looked at heroes.
"Hello," he said. "I am Baymax, your personal health care companion. How can I be of service?"
"Baymax, we switched bodies," Hiro said.
Baymax tilted his head at Go Go, almost looking confused.
"May I scan you?" he asked.
Baymax quickly scanned the group and was silent for a moment.
"Scan complete," he said. "You are correct. You are in each others bodies."
"We have to find the guys who did this," Go Go said. "I don't want to be in Fred's body for the rest of my life."
"Hey that is hurtful," Fred said.

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