Chapter 6

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Within two hours, the group was outside and standing on top of a building. They had spent almost twenty minutes trying to get their suits on. The next hour and a half was spent learning their new powers. They weren't great at their powers, but now they were a little more comfortable with them.
Suddenly, an alarm went off in the street below. The group looked over the edge of the building and saw that the alarm was going off in the bank.
"Let's get down there," Wasabi said.
The group jumped down and ran into the bank. They saw a couple of women dressed in short kimonos. They were taking money out of the vault and putting it in black sacks. One looked towards the door upon hearing the group enter. She smiled.
"Well, well, ladies," she said. "Looks like we got ourselves a couple of heroes."
"Who are you?" Honey Lemon asked.
"Well the question is, who aren't we."
"Who are you?" Go Go asked, getting annoyed.
"Fine," the woman said. "I will tell you who we are. You have to tell us who you are first."
"Okay, we are Big Hero 7," Hiro said.
"Really? Wow. I think my bunny slippers just ran away in fear."
"Really? I never knew that slippers can run away." Fred said with a dead serious look on his face.
"They can't, Fred," Abigail told him.
"You know who we are," Hiro said, "but we don't know who you are."
"Oh, how silly of us," the taller of the three women said. "We are the Fujitas. Criminals who work for money and a chance to hit something."
"That's sounds like fun," Abigail said sarcastically. "Now you get the chance to try and hit something."
"Finally," the shortest women said, smiling and pulling out a traditional Habutae Wagasa (a Japanese umbrella). The taller woman pulled out a fan and the other pulled out a flail (a spike ball on a chain).
"Come on girls. Lets kick their butt," the tallest women said.
"I have been waiting to hit something or someone all day," the smallest women said.
The group formed a circle.
"Okay guys. Lets try and kick their butts, too," Hiro said. "Now give it all you got and try your best."
"I do not know if I can do this," Honey Lemon said. "I am not ready."
"Yes you are." Abigail said. "Just remember how I showed you to teleport."
"Okay, I am ready." Honey Lemon said.
"Oh you guys are going down!" the shortest women said.
Everyone started to fight and Abigail and Baymax were trying to find their weak spot, but they could not see one. Fred accidentally jumped because he thought he had a super jump and then wanted to breath fire. The smallest women looked at him and then she hit him so hard on the head that he fell on the floor. Wasabi thought that he had his power to and tried cutting something, but failed. The tallest women sneaked behind Wasabi and before anyone could warn him, she kicked him so hard that he hit the wall and fell to the floor. Honey Lemon was doing really well. She had that moment when she thought she had her other power. When she wanted to teleport over to the tallest women, she was waiting for her and when she finally got teleported there, the tallest women knocked her out. Go Go was waiting on for the fight to be over. She hated being in Fred's body, but when she was not looking the smallest women kicked her and she fell on the ground. Hiro was doing really really well. He was trying to get everyone up after being knocked out but they were out. The smallest women came behind him and before she kicked him, Hiro pulled her leg and she fell on the floor. Abigail finally came down with Baymax and when she did she kicked butt. After she fought everyone. The women left the bank and went who knows where.
"Wow, that was the tough." Hiro said.
"That was fun," Abigail said.
"Let's try and wake up the others," Hiro said.
"Yes, we probably should." Abigail said.
The two tried to shake their friends awake, but found that they wouldn't wake up. They started to get worried.
"Baymax, can you scan all of them and see what is wrong?" Hiro asked.
"Yes, I can," Baymax said.
Baymax scanned all of them.
"They have very big headaches and they are unconscious," Baymax said.
"Okay, so what should we do?" Abigail asked.
"The treatment is getting plenty of rest and putting an ice pack on each of their heads," Baymax said.
"Okay, well how are we going to get them back to the lab?" Hiro said.
"Maybe we can have Baymax take each of them back to the lab," Abigail said.
"Can you do that, Baymax?" Hiro asked.
"Yes, I can do anything to help someone feel better," Baymax said.
"Thank you, Baymax," Hiro said.
"Your welcome, Hiro," Baymax said.
Baymax walked over to Fred.
"Oh here, Baymax. Let me help you," Hiro said.
Baymax flew back to the lab and then came back. He did that with Honey Lemon, Wasabi, and Go Go. Then he took Hiro back and Abigail used her power to go back to the lab.

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