Chapter 14

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The group changed out of their suits and Hiro had Baymax return to his storage box. Once Baymax had retracted, Hiro picked up the box and the group headed to the hospital. They soon arrived at the hospital and they were lead to Aunt Cass's room. They found her sitting up in a bed. Hiro knocked on the door frame. Aunt Cass turned and smiled when she saw the group.
"Hey, Hiro," she said. "How's my superhero?"
"Not bad," Hiro said, walking into the room. "Heathcliff has probably been picked up by the cops by now and is on his way to jail."
"That's a relief."
The group found chairs and sat down around Aunt Cass's bed.
"Aunt Cass," Honey Lemon said, "can you tell us how you came to join Heathcliff?"
"I guess I have some explaining to do," she said with a smile. "Years ago, I was a student at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, believe it or not. I was really good with machines, but my real interest was cooking. A few months ago, I met Heathcliff at the store while I was getting some things for dinner. He knew me since Fred always talked about how good my cakes were."
"They're amazing!" Fred said.
Go Go hit him in the shoulder.
"He asked me what I would do with more money. I told him that I would use it to help Hiro with school and better provide for him. He said he could make that all happen. He had learned about my background with technology and asked me to join him. When I agreed, he said there might be people to try and stop us. We would have to use the help of a machine at the school. Heathcliff said he would provide it and all I would have to do is help him with his greater plan. He didn't tell me that you all were superheroes. Had I known, I would have asked you to stop him."
"It's okay, Aunt Cass," Hiro said. "You did what you thought was right."
"Hey," Wasabi said. "I got an idea! Fred's butler is gone, right?"
"Right," the team said.
"And they're going to need someone to fill in where Heathcliff no longer is, right?"
"Where are you going with this, Wasabi?" Go Go ased, getting a little annyoed.
"I'm just saying that if Fred's parents approve, Aunt Cass can work for Fred's family, earning a little more money."
"That's a great idea!" Fred exclaimed. "I'll contact them right away."
"But Aunt Cass won't be able to work for a while, since she needs to recover from her fight with Heathcliff," Abigail pointed out.
"We can work at the Lucky Cat Café while you recover!" Honey Lemon said.
"You guys are the best," Aunt Cass said with a smile.

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