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My family is absolutely incredible, if I do say so myself. Not to mention large; and not just because I have six older siblings and a baby brother. My Daddy is one of nine kids and our family get togethers are nothing but entertaining. Our family is special. We're all extremely close to each other, always there for each other, no matter what. Especially Daddy and his older brother, John, or Jack as we call him. They are the best of friends and Daddy always helps Uncle Jack. There's nothing either one of us wouldn't do for the others. That's why when tragedy strikes, we can usually pull together pretty well. The Kennedy's aren't new to tradgety. My Uncle passed away during World War II and my Aunt followed shortly after in a flying incident. Daddy said it was really hard on his family. Shortly after my Momma and Daddy were married, my Grandma and Grandpa passed away in an airplane crash. That one was much harder. I wasn't alive then either, but my oldest sister, Kathleen was. She has told me she has vivid memories of Daddy carrying Momma up and down the stairs because she was too weak to handle them herself and the tears that she watched her cry and the sobs she heard at night. But Daddy was always there for her. No matter what life throws at us, we are always able to band together and look out for each other. It's what we do. But, sometimes, life throws a really tricky fastball that none of us are ready for. And then, it's really hard on us. Especially when it's one of us. Hi, my name is Mary Kerry Kennedy, I'm four years old and this is my family's story.

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