Chapter 2

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Uncle Jack presses the gas on the golf cart as far as it can go, allowing us to speed up around the front lawn of Gramma and Grampa's house. Courtney puts her arm in front of me protectively as the golf cart fills with some screams and some laughs. "Faster, Uncle Jack!" Christopher calls. Bobby nods with a laugh. "Faster!"

Uncle Jack laughs as he looks back at the boys. "I'm going as fast as I can with all of you guys on board!" I look up at him with a frown. "It's fast enough, Uncle Jack." Uncle Jack winks at me with a smile. "I agree, sweetie.

Uncle Jack keeps driving around the yard for a little bit until Uncle Ted comes running from the front porch, jumping on the front of the cart as we all scream. "Uncle Ted," I say nervously. "Hold on!" Uncle Ted smiles at me as he sits up better on the front. "Don't worry Ker, I'm good. Onward, Jack! To the barbecue grill!"

All of the boys yell as Uncle Jack laughs and begins to drive towards the large barbecue grill behind Gramma and Grampa's house. As we pull to the back, everyone turns to look at us. Uncle Ted pulls off his shirt, whipping it in circles around his head as he cheers. "Woohoo!" Everybody laughs as Uncle Jack parks the golf cart by the play set and turns it off. "Alright kids, the ride is over. Everybody off. Especially you, Tedward." Uncle Ted frowns. "Aw!"

Uncle Jack laughs as he gets off and I follow Courtney off of the cart, then over to the barbecue grill. Daddy smiles. "Just in time. I was about to put the burgers on." I walk up to Daddy with a wide smile. "Ooh, burgers!" Daddy laughs as he gives me a hug. "Yes ma'am! I knew you'd be excited. As soon as your mother brings me the patties and my chef hat, we'll be in business!"

Uncle Jack covers his eyes and shakes his head. "No, please not the chef hat!" Daddy laughs as Momma comes out with a large plate of uncooked patties and Gramma's apron and white chef hat. "Here you go, Chef!" Momma says as she hands Daddy the food, apron and hat.

"Wait," Uncle Jack says. "In all honesty, Bob, I need to talk to you about some business if you don't mind." Daddy nods. "Not at all. Ted, can we trust you not to burn them this time?" Momma, Uncle Jack and I laugh as Uncle Ted rolls his eyes, taking the apron from Momma and putting on the chef hat as he ties the apron. "Hey! I step away for one minute to get back my shirt from Bob's dumb dog, burn the patties and they hold it against me forever. Not fair."

Daddy laughs and walks with Uncle Jack to the play set. "Okay! Keep an eye out and your clothes on, then we'll be okay!" Daddy's sisters laugh as Uncle Ted shakes his head as he begins laying patties on the grill.

"Uncle Ted," William asks from his spot on Uncle Stephen's lap. "What are Uncle Jack and Uncle Bobby talking about?" "They're running a country, son," Uncle Stephen says. "They have a lot to discuss." William looks to Uncle Ted as he looks back at him.

"You see William," Uncle Ted explains. "Uncle Jack enjoys being President and Uncle Bobby is helping him and they make a great team. But, they enjoy family time even more than being President and Attorney General."

William's eyes get wide. "Wow. Uncle Jack loves being President!" Uncle Ted nods. "Yeah, but family is much more important to him, and Uncle Bobby too. Anyways, since it's Friday, Uncle Jack will be leaving back to Washington on Monday morning, he wants to get all of his work talk out of the way so he can spend the rest of the weekend with us and not be worried about work and relax, work all week and then come back on Friday for more family time."

William smiles. "Woah. Uncle Jack is really cool." I look over to the play set and look at Daddy's back to me as he holds on to a swing and Uncle Jack as he nods with a straight face.

"Uncle Jack is a very good man," Aunt Eunice says as she pulls me into her lap. "And he is doing a great job running our country. Next time you see him, you should tell him." "I will Aunt Eunice." William replies.

I keep watching Uncle Jack and Daddy, wondering they could be talking about. "Thank you Ted." Uncle Stephen says. "No problem," Uncle Ted says in reply. "I'm always happy to help the kids know more about their Uncles and their jobs. It can be very confusing, but it's very important."

"Kerry," Maria says and I look over at her. "Do you want to go play tag with the older cousins? Kathleen just waved us over." I slide off of Aunt Eunice's leg and look at her. "No, I'm gonna go see Daddy."

Aunt Eunice looks at me. "Sweetie, your Daddy and Uncle Jack are talking right now. Why don't you go see Kathleen and play with your other cousins?" I frown. "I'm wanna go see Daddy and Uncle Jack!" Aunt Eunice looks at Uncle Ted as he smiles at her. "It's okay Eunice. They won't mind, I promise. They're used to it." He smiles at me. "Go ahead, Bug. Go see your Daddy and Uncle Jack."

I smile and turn away from them, running towards my Daddy and Uncle. When I reach the backyard, I begin to walk and quietly sneak up to Daddy and Uncle Jack. I then grab the chain of the swing and put my foot on the swing, pulling myself up on the swing. Uncle Jack looks at me as a wide grin spreads across his face. "Um, Bob? Your hip attachment has returned."

Daddy looks up at the swing and smiles. "Hey Ker! What are you doing?" I wrap my arm around his neck as he wraps his around my legs. "I wanted to come see you and Uncle Jack."

Uncle Jack smiles as Daddy gives me a gentle squeeze. "Well you're just in time," Uncle Jack says with a smile. "We just finished talking and we're fixing to go back to the fire." Daddy nods. "I sure hope Ethel finished up with Chris, we have got to work on football. Are those secret service men of yours going to play with us again this year?"

"Oh, yes," Uncle Jack says with a smile. "Clint Hill is very excited. Paul said that he would play again, but only if Ethel isn't still angry at him and they're on the same team this time."

Daddy laughs as he pulls me off the swing and puts me on the ground as we walk towards the grill. "Yeah, that was pretty bad! But yeah, we can put them on the same team. We'll be the winning team!"

Uncle Jack shakes his head. "Oh no. We'll definitely win. We have Jackie, Clint and Sarge. Not to mention Eunice and I are training them, so we'll win." Daddy laughs and looks down at me. "What do you think Ker Bear? Who's going to win the game?" I giggle. "Momma is!"

Uncle Jack sighs as Daddy laughs. "That'a girl! Nobody messes with Momma!" I nod as Uncle Jack looks at me with a smile. "Well, I can't argue with you there."

I look up at Daddy. "Daddy, can I play football with you this time?" Uncle Jack looks at Daddy. "I don't know baby girl, it always gets a little rough." Daddy smiles. "I'm sure we can work something out Pal, don't you worry. For now, let's focus on our football practice. We have a game to win tomorrow."

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