Chapter 5

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All too soon, our time at Hyannis comes to and end and we all go back to our homes. Things slowly get back to normal and we find our routine again. Daddy goes back to work every day, staying a little bit later each time; sometimes until the early morning hours.

It was getting closer to reelection, Daddy said, and he had to help Uncle Jack in any way that he could if he wanted to run again in '64, which was the ultimate goal. Daddy talked to us about it at dinner every night to make sure we knew exactly what was going on. Some things were very hard to understand, but I payed close attention whenever he spoke.

After much discussion and several nights staying with Uncle Jack until four in the morning, Daddy told us that they had found the major weak link- Texas. Most of the state was Republican, which would desperately hurt Uncle Jack in the race. Daddy came back that night with a report that in a week, Uncle Jack and Aunt Jackie would be going to Texas to do some campaigning. Daddy was very excited and felt that it would be good for Uncle Jack to go there. We celebrated by inviting them over for dinner.

The night before they were supposed to leave for Texas, Uncle Jack and Aunt Jackie came over for dinner as planned. The doorbell rang and we all hurried to the door opening it and greeting them with hugs and kisses. Chris looks up at Uncle Jack as Momma pulls away from Aunt Jackie. "No John?" he asks sadly. Uncle Jack laughs his contagious laugh and I grin, giggling a little with him. "No, Son," Uncle Jack says. "We left him and Buttons with Nanny Shaw for the evening. Don't worry, he'll need somebody to keep him company while we're away."

Daddy smiles at Chris and then looks to Uncle Jack. "Come on, Jack, let's go out to the grill. The boys have the football out and are already playing a short game. I told them we might be able to step in and join them in between the flipping of steaks." Uncle Jack laughs as Daddy leads him towards the back of the house. "We'll have to see what I can do. I might not be much of an asset."

Momma smiles as Aunt Jackie grins softly. "Come," Momma says to Aunt Jackie. "I was just making some baked potatoes, you can join me in the kitchen." "Yeah," I say with a smile. "I was sitting with her, too!" Aunt Jackie laughs softly with a smile as Momma walks back to the kitchen. "Well, I'd be delighted to join you two ladies!"

Aunt Jackie follows Momma to the kitchen and I follow her, climbing up in my seat where I was drawing my special picture for Uncle Jack. "So," Momma says as she puts some potatoes in the microwave. "Are you ready for Texas?" Aunt Jackie sits down beside me and nods. "Yes, I think so. I must say, I am a little bit nervous after all that I've heard is going on over there. But, Jack is convinced that he can change their minds, so I am behind him all the way."

Momma smiles as I go back to drawing my picture. "That's wonderful, Jackie. I'm glad you're going with him. Bob is convinced that half of America doesn't vote for Jack, they vote for Jackie." Aunt Jackie laughs and shakes her head. "Oh, no! I hope he does not tell Jack that! I enjoy going with him to help, but I do not ever intent to steal the spotlight from him!"

Momma laughs. "Either way, he's grateful for the votes. So, where exactly are you going?" "Our first stop is San Antonio," Aunt Jackie reports. "Then Dallas and we are ending in Austin. Lyndon has a ranch there and we can stay and relax for a little bit." I finish drawing my picture and smile as Momma nods. "Oh, that sounds wonderful! I'm not sure what Bob is going to do while Jack's away. I know he'll have plenty to keep himself occupied around here, but without his partner in crime, I'm not sure what will happen."

Aunt Jackie smiles and I look up at her. "What did you draw, Kerry?" I smile and show her my picture. "It's for Uncle Jack." I begin to point to everything and explain it, starting with a stick figure behind a podium. "That's him giving his speech in Texas," I then point to a lot of stick figures. "Those are the people listening to him," I lastly point to a girl stick figure in a long dress. "And that's you in your really pretty dress!" Aunt Jackie smiles. "Aw, baby girl," she says as she gently pulls me into her lap. "I love it! It's beautiful. Uncle Jack will love it."

I look up at Aunt Jackie with a smile, watching her. Her same familiar soft smile spread across her lip, her big brown eyes shining. Her light blue pillbox hat sat perfectly on top of her head, the ends of her dark hair flipped up, the hat matching her dress. I had to smile back. While Uncle Jack's laugh was contagious, Aunt Jackie's smile could make the whole night shine. Daddy said it stopped the Cuban Missile Crisis, but I don't think that's really true. I did admire her smile though. I admired everything about Aunt Jackie. I had decided that when I grow up, I was going to be just like her.

The back door opens and Uncle Jack walks in the house, followed by Daddy. "I know," Uncle Jack says. "That's what I told him! I said that we would have to meet about it after Texas because I don't have time!" Daddy steps in front of Uncle Jack and leads him to the kitchen. "What did he say about that?" Daddy asks. Uncle Jack sighs as he sits down beside Aunt Jackie. "He said that he didn't want to hear it and that I needed to put priorities first and worry about running again after I settled the problems of right now."

Momma sighs with a soft smile at them. "Okay guys, leave the work talk for after dinner please." Uncle Jack nods as Daddy sits down at the head of the table. "I'm sorry, Ethel." Uncle Jack says as Daddy nods. "We're sorry, honey. We just had to get that out of the way.

Uncle Jack smiles as he looks down at my picture. "What do you have there, Miss Kerry?" I smile and hold it out to him. "It's for you! It's you giving your speech in Texas and Aunt Jackie is there too!" Uncle Jack's eyes widen with a wide smile as he looks at the picture, taking it into his hands. "Kerry, this is beautiful," he says as he smiles at me. "Thank you very much."

I smile as Uncle Jack leans over and kisses my cheek as Aunt Jackie pulls me closer to her. I snuggle closer to Aunt Jackie as I look at Daddy where I find him staring back at me with a smile. "Yeah, that's one sweet little girl." "Yes it is," Uncle Jack says as I feel his hand on my head. "She's special, Bob. You take care of this girl while we're gone." I smile at Uncle Jack and he winks back at me with a smile. "Don't worry," Daddy says. "I promise, she will be in one piece when you get back. Just as feisty, sweet and ready to go back to Hyannis as she is now."

I giggle as Uncle Jack laughs. "I don't blame her! I'm ready to get back there too. All of this business is driving me up a wall. We'll go back there just as soon as we can, little miss. I promise." I smile. "Okay."

I watch Uncle Jack as he keeps talking to Daddy as Momma brings over her chicken spaghetti and lays it on the table. I don't think I'd ever seen Uncle Jack upset. He always had a smile on his face, no matter what the situation was. It always thrilled me to see him and it made my day better. I just wanted to take his smile and frame it in my room. It could turn the darkest day around, reassure me no matter what was going on. It made me feel better. I smile to myself and lay my head on Aunt Jackie's shoulder. I had a very special family.

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