Chapter 1

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"Daddy," David says as he looks over at us. "I thought you said Uncle Jack would be here by now!" I look up from Daddy's lap as he laughs, his bright blue eyes twinkling as he does. "He will, son! You have to be patient. Uncle Jack is the president after all, who knows what could've come up. But I promise you, he will be here soon. He loves this place too much to miss out."

I look across the front porch of Gramma and Grampa's Hyannis Port home to Aunt Jackie as she smiles, holding three year old John Junior close. "That's right, David," Aunt Jackie says. "Uncle Jack will be here just as soon as he can. He wouldn't miss this trip for anything."

I smile as I cuddle close to Daddy. It was true, I knew how much Uncle Jack loved Hyannis. He always had. It was a little odd for us to be here in the beginning of November, considering Thanksgiving wasn't for a couple of weeks and the water was too cold to go sailing or swimming, but wanting to pass up a family trip to Hyannis wasn't in any of our vocabularies; especially Uncle Jacks.

Aunt Eunice looks over from the porch swing in between Aunt Pat and Aunt Jean as she smiles at John. "And John, how will we know when Daddy gets here?" John's face lights up as he looks at Aunt Eunice from Aunt Jackie's lap. "The 'copter!" The front porch erupts in laughter and 'aws' as Aunt Jackie kisses John's forehead, ruffling his hair. Daddy nods. "That's right. So, when we hear the 'copter' if you will, we will know Uncle Jack is here."

A loud roaring noise breaks through the air and I lean a little closer to Daddy as Caroline and Courtney race to the porch, breathing heavily. "Daddy's here!" Caroline informs. John gasps and squirms in Aunt Jackie's arms. "Hold on," Daddy instructs as the roaring gets louder. "Everyone stay where you are. Court, Caro, come over here until the helicopter lands." Courtney and Caroline run up the steps, then over to us as they huddle around us. Courtney looks at Caroline. "Are you excited to see Uncle Jack?" Caroline nods with a wide smile as the roaring speeds up, signaling it was about to land. I snuggle closer to Daddy and feel his arms around me as the noise suddenly dies off.

Caroline pulls away from the group huddle with a grin as she looks at Daddy. "Now?" Daddy nods with a smile as he puts me on the ground. "Now!" Caroline and Courtney start running towards the helicopter as John slides out of Aunt Jackie's arms, following after them along with Kathleen, Joe, Bobby, David, Maria and Sydney. I look over on the far end of the porch where Daddy's basset hound, Freckles was laying, watching the helicopter curiously. I smile. "Come on, Freckles! Let's go see Uncle Jack!" I hurry to the steps and begin to run towards the helicopter as Freckles catches up with me.

Uncle Jack pulls away from Sydney and smiles at me. "Kerry!" he calls. I giggle as I make it to him with my arms stretched out. "Uncle Jack!" I wrap myself around his legs as he puts his hands on my shoulders. "How are you, sweetheart?" Uncle Jack asks. I look up at him with a smile. "I'm good! I'm so happy you're here!" Uncle Jack laughs. "I am too. It has been quite the week." I let go of Uncle Jack as Momma, Daddy, Aunt Jackie, Aunt Jean, Uncle Stephen, Aunt Pat, Uncle Peter, Uncle Ted, Aunt Joan, Uncle Sarge and Aunt Eunice join us. "Jack!" Daddy says. Uncle Jack grins. "Bob!" Uncle Jack leans forward and Daddy gives him a small hug. Daddy then lets go as Uncle Jack greets his sisters, Momma and Aunt Jackie. Aunt Jackie gets a big hug and a kiss. Caroline covers her eyes as they do.

Uncle Jack laughs and I watch him with a grin. When Uncle Jack laughed, it was impossible not to join. It was contagious and lit up the darkest of situations. I just loved it. Even Daddy said it was hard for him not to laugh too. I giggle as Uncle Jack looks at me, putting his hand on my forehead, gently shaking my head back and forth. "Oh Ker Bear, it sure is good to be home."

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