Chapter 4

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Ever since Uncle Jack was elected as President, it had been difficult to get used to several things: a secret service agent always around when Uncle Jack was near us, Daddy being busier when Uncle Jack got busier. And the press. The press was the hardest thing for me. They were always around, no matter where we went. As soon as I got out of the car, with Momma or Daddy, they were waiting, blinding me with their bright flashes as their cameras snapped away and calling for us to look at them. That was just when we were with Momma and Daddy. Now, we were with Uncle Jack, Aunt Jackie, Uncle Ted, Aunt Joan and some of our cousins. The press was crazy.

I watched out the window as the helicopter slowly landed on the White House lawn, spotting the swarm of people waiting to take pictures of us on the other side of the fence. Some were already snapping away. "Wow," Uncle Ted says. "Look at all of those people." Daddy gets a grin on his face as he looks at all of us. "We're fixing to blow their minds." Uncle Jack leans his arm against the window and hides his face in his hand. "Oh, where is this going?" Aunt Jackie laughs as I focus on Daddy and the helicopter reaches the ground.

"No, this is good," Daddy says as he looks at all of the kids, ending with me with a wide grin on his face. "Do you guys want to make the chain again?" Caroline gasps loudly as we all nod. "Yes please!"

Ever since I was born, Daddy had come up with the idea of a chain. It started with him and Momma at the end and all of us following, locking arms and walking together. It was a lot of fun with just us, but when we added our cousins, it was a lot more fun. Momma laughs. "That's a great idea, but how are you going to get off of the helicopter that way?"

The helicopter pilot opens the door. "It's all ready, Mr. President." Uncle Ted claps as Aunt Jackie laughs. "Bob, let's go!" Uncle Ted says. "We got people to see!" Daddy smiles. "Okay, Jack and Jackie, you get off first, baby Ted and Joansie, then Ethel and I." Aunt Joan laughs as Uncle Ted gets ready to say something as Daddy sticks up his hand. "No time for input. Ted will lock arms with Jackie, Joan will lock arms with Ted, Ethel with him and me with her, then all of the children. Kathleen, you lead them out, followed by Joseph, Bobby, David, Courtney, Caroline, Michael, Kerry and John. Deal?"

John frowns as Uncle Jack and Aunt Jackie begin to walk to the front of the helicopter. "I don't wanna be last!" I look at him with a smile. "Don't worry John, you can hold my hand, okay?" John nods as Uncle Jack and Aunt Jackie turn to look at us as Uncle Ted and Aunt Joan stand up. "Knock 'em dead Mr. President." Uncle Ted says. Daddy smiles. "Oh, he will."

Uncle Jack steps out of the helicopter, followed by Aunt Jackie as people begin to scream loudly. Uncle Ted looks to Daddy. "Oh sir, are we going now? Is this the correct order?" Daddy rolls his eyes with a smile rolls his eyes as Momma puts me on the ground and stands up. "Get out there Edward." Uncle Ted laughs as he takes Aunt Joan's hand and leads her out of the helicopter as more screams come.

Daddy looks at us. "Line up in the order, behave yourselves," He then looks to Kathleen. "After the crowd dies down after we leave, you lead them out." Kathleen nods as Momma looks down at me as I give her a hug. "Dazzle them, Momma." Momma grins at me. "Thank you sweetie, I will try. You too." Daddy leads Momma off of the helicopter as a loud roar fills the helicopter. The people certainly did enjoy when Uncle Jack brought his brothers with him.

"Okay everyone," Kathleen says. "Line up." I walk towards the back of the helicopter as Joseph, Bobby and David get in line, shoving at each other as I get behind Michael. "Boys," Kathleen says sternly. "Stop that, you're setting a bad example for your little siblings and cousins. You know better than that." Joseph sticks out his tongue as Kathleen laughs and gently punches him. "Stop! We don't have that much time!"

My heart begins to beat a little bit faster. It was getting closer to time to go out in front of all of the people. I slightly began to shake. "Kathleen," I say as I peak my head from behind Michael. "I'm nervous." "Me too." Caroline says softly. Kathleen shakes her head. "Don't be, it's okay, we're just leaving the helicopter and going straight to our parents. You're okay." Courtney looks back at me with a smile. "We're fine. We're going to knock these people's socks off and show them what a real royal family looks like." I smile softly. "Okay."

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