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Uncle Jack's grave is still gorgeous to this day. And looking away from it, you can see Daddy's too. It's been a few months since Daddy was taken from us, but the pain isn't any less. The way that it had to end for him was terrible. I can't help but think that he knew it was going to happen to him if he ran, but he did anyways; for Uncle Jack.

Daddy was gone before Momma had my tenth sibling and third sister, Rory. And incredibly, she looks just like Daddy. I'm quite taken with her, I just wish Daddy could have met her.

Aunt Jackie took Daddy's passing the hardest of all, under Momma of course. She just wasn't expecting another blow like this to hit our family. Shortly after the funeral, she got engaged to Aristotle Onassis and took John and Caroline to Greece to live with him. I'm very sad I won't be able to see my closest cousins as much anymore, but Momma says not to blame them, or even Aunt Jackie. She desperately wanted protection for her and her kids. And honestly, I can't say I blame her.

Aunt Eunice, Aunt Pat and Aunt Jean were very sad to have lost another brother, but they're doing well, and their husbands are doing a good job of taking care of them and their kids. I'm very proud of all of them.

Uncle Teddy is doing the best job to me, though. He's been by Momma's side through everything and is helping all of us kids in any way that he possibly can. He was even with Momma when she had Rory.

Kathleen has been really brave and strong and Joe is taking care of all of us when Uncle Teddy goes back home at night. I'm so thankful for both of them to look up to, and I know that they'll help us tell Rory about how great of a man Daddy was.

But, it shouldn't have to be this way. Daddy shouldn't have died and Uncle Jack shouldn't have either. They should both still be here today. Then Aunt Jackie would be back with Caroline and John and we could all be happy again. But, that's the way it is. We'll continue on without Uncle Jack and Daddy, living out the rest of our lives, carrying the Kennedy name and their legacies. We'll tell our children about them someday just like we will Rory, and our grandchildren, so nobody ever forgets about them and the entire world will remember a time, for one brief shining moment known as Camelot. Until that time comes, it's up to Uncle Teddy to do his part now.

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