Chapter 3

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"Alright team," Daddy says with a smile. "This is the last one for the night, let's make it a good one." I watch from my spot on the grass under the tree as Momma, Aunt Pat, Mr. Landis, Uncle Ted, Uncle Sarge and Uncle Stephen line up on the grass, with Uncle Ted in front of the football.

Sydney laughs from beside me and Caroline looks at her from the other side. "What's so funny Sydney?" she asks. Sydney points to Momma as she pounces around in the grass, facing the invisible opposing team. "Aunt Ethel is! They are so going to win." Maria nods with a giggle as she points to Uncle Sarge. "Daddy is too!"

Caroline starts clapping loudly. "Go Aunt Ethel and Uncle Bobby!" Uncle Jack sighs from his spot with the other team behind the trees. "Buttons, you're cheering for the wrong team." Caroline shakes her head. "No Daddy. Mr. Landis is on their team too." "And Aunt Ethel is very competitive, Uncle Jack." Sydney says. Momma raises her fist in the air as she keeps bouncing on the ground. "Let 'em cheer Jack," she says as she looks at him. "You're just jealous because I've got fans."

Daddy grins as he looks to Uncle Jack. "Quiet all arguments on the sidelines please. My team is trying to focus." Uncle Ted crouches in front of the football as all of the players ready themselves. "Play four," Daddy calls. "Play four." "Only four plays?" Aunt Eunice calls. "That's not very many options!" Daddy raises his hands. "Annoying siblings, hush!"

I giggle with Caroline, Sydney and Maria as Kathleen sits beside Maria. "Did I miss the practice?" she whispers. "Almost," I reply. "This is their last play for the night." Kathleen smiles. "That's okay, I just wanted to see one."

Daddy bends his knees and sticks his hands out in front of him. "Play four, set, hut!" Uncle Ted throws the ball under his legs as Uncle Sarge, Uncle Stephen and Aunt Pat follow him, pretending to guard the opposers as Momma starts running down the field along with Mr. Landis across the field from her. They run for a little bit before crossing paths and looking back to Daddy, both waving their arms to catch the ball. Daddy moves around a little bit before throwing the football. The ball soars in perfect spiral across the field and lands in Momma's arms. She gently catches the ball and races to the end of the line of trees, signaling a touchdown. "Yay!" Sydney yells. "We win!"

Momma grabs the ball with one hand and throws it straight to the ground with a scream as she sticks her arms out to the side. "Oh yeah! We won, we won!" She then looks to Uncle Jack, Aunt Eunice, Aunt Jackie with Chris in her arms and Mr. Hill as they watch from behind us. "You guys just wait! That's a taste of what's coming tomorrow!" Uncle Jack grins. "Oh really? Well, now we know one of your plays." Momma's face falls as she turns back to the field. "We need another play." Uncle Jack, Mr. Hill and Aunt Eunice laugh as Aunt Jackie shakes her head while rocking Chris back and forth.

"Alright," Uncle Stephen says. "That was a lot of fun, but I say we call it a night. I need to have my body fully rested if I'm bringing my A-Game tomorrow." Daddy nods with a smile. "We probably need to," he says as he wraps his arm around Uncle Ted. "We need everyone to be ready to kick some butt." Momma clears her throat as she looks at Daddy. "I meant bottom," he says with a nod. "I got a little choked up, the bugs are pretty bad this time of night." Momma laughs as I stand up.

"Daddy?" I ask. Daddy looks at me with a smile as he tosses the football up. "What is it Pal?" "I wanna catch the football." Daddy smiles widely. "You do?" I nod quickly as Uncle Ted picks me up and spins me around. "Praise the Lord!" Uncle Ted cheers. "Bob, you did raise her right! She likes football!" I giggle as Uncle Ted puts me back down as Daddy looks at me with a smile. "No, I think she just inherited that one. It's in our nature. But I'll take the credit anyways."

Uncle Jack rolls his eyes with a smile as Kathleen stands up. "I wanna catch the football too, Daddy." Maria stands up. "Me too Uncle Bobby!" "And me!" Caroline says as she stands up with Sydney. "Me too!" Sydney chimes in. Daddy laughs as more cousins come up in front of Uncle Jack. "Okay, if you want to play a short game of football, come over here with me."

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