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HongJoong's POV
The concert went incredibly well and after we got offstage and got into our greenroom I noticed Harper was fast asleep on one of the couches in the back. Jennifer stroked her hair and tucked her in with a pillow and blanket one of our crew had given her. Harper was an adorable little four-year-old and I really enjoyed her presence and excitement, so it was cute to see her so serene and peaceful. 

I went over to sit beside Jennifer, "She's had a busy day hasn't she?"

Jennifer smiled and nodded, "Yes, she's been so excited about this concert for weeks. I think all the excitement just caught up with her." She looked back at Harper, still softly stroking her hair. I could tell that Jennifer was an amazing mother who truly cared for her daughter. The rest of my bandmates were in the green room as well, some chatting with other crew members while others rested after our high-energy performance. We had been touring for a few months now and were ecstatic about the positive reactions from our fans.

"So, you guys are off to the next city tomorrow?" Jennifer asked, shifting her gaze back to me.

I nodded, "Yep, we have a show in Busan tomorrow night. Then it's off to Daegu and a few other cities before we wrap up the tour."Jennifer's eyes seemed to hold a hint of sadness. 

"I wish we could join you for the rest of your shows, but Harper and I have to head back home. Her dad is returning from his business trip soon."

"I understand," I replied gently. As much as I would miss having them around, I realized that life still had other responsibilities beyond our little world of touring and performing. Before long, everyone began to say their goodbyes, promising to keep in touch. All of the crew members filed out of the green room slowly until it was just my bandmates and me left with Jennifer and a sleeping Harper. San approached Jennifer with a warm smile. 

"It was really nice meeting you both," he said earnestly. 

"Take care and safe travels home."Jennifer returned his smile with heartfelt appreciation.

 "Thank you so much for making Harper's dream come true by inviting us here tonight." One by one, everyone took turns saying their farewells until only Jennifer, Harper, Yunho, HongJoongand I were left in the room. Yunho crouched down near Harper, being cautious not to wake her. 

"She's really the sweetest little girl," he whispered, eyes full of warmth. Jennifer beamed with pride. 

"I like to think she gets that from me," she joked a hint of playfulness in her tone. I chuckled at her remark before he chuckled and smiled at her.

"So, I can carry her out to your car for you if you and Hongjoong wanna spend some alone time?" he offered. She blushed and glanced at me.

"If you want to," she said looking to me for my approval. I did want to spend some time alone with her. I really liked her and I wanted to see how she felt. I nodded in agreement, appreciating Yunho's thoughtful offer. 

"That would be great, thanks." Jennifer stood up and made her way towards the living room where Hongjoong was finishing his coffee. Yunho carefully scooped up Harper in his strong arms, cradling her as if she were fragile glass. He tiptoed towards the door, while I followed right behind him. Once we reached his car, he gently buckled her into the car seat and covered her with a pink fleece blanket. He shared a word of encouragement before departing to give Jennifer and me some privacy. 

As I closed the door behind us, I could feel my heart racing in anticipation of our alone time. Walking back into the living room, I found Jennifer sitting on the couch with a steaming cup of tea in her hand, offering me a shy smile.

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