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Jennifer's POV

I woke up the following morning, still nestled in HongJoong's cozy bed, although he was no longer beside me. However, I could hear a sweet melody floating from another room, luring me out of my slumber. I swiftly got dressed and made my way towards the source of the enchanting singing. As I entered the kitchen, I was greeted with a heartwarming scene - HongJoong was skillfully preparing breakfast, and to my delight, my precious daughter was perched on his countertop, cheerfully assisting him. 

Her innocent eyes sparkled with delight as she absorbed both his culinary expertise and his melodious voice. A mix of tenderness and joy coursed through me as I gazed upon this beautiful sight. It filled me with immense happiness to witness the harmonious bond that had formed between them, and to see how effortlessly HongJoong interacted with my four-year-old daughter.

As I leaned against the doorway, I couldn't help but let a smile spread across my face. They were such a picture of warmth and happiness that it brought tears to my eyes. My heart swelled with gratitude for how far we'd come since the first day I met HongJoong. That chance encounter at the park had blossomed into a beautiful relationship—one that not only included him and me but also my sweet little girl. It was moments like these that gave me hope for our future together.

I quietly snapped a picture of them with my phone, intending to preserve this precious memory. Then, as if sensing my presence, HongJoong turned around and caught sight of me, grinning from ear to ear. His eyes shone with love and affection.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," he teased, sauntering over to wrap his arms around me in a warm embrace. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah," I murmured contentedly, nuzzling my face into his chest. "Thanks to you and your comfortable bed."

He lightly chuckled in response while looking back at our daughter who was also beaming at us. 

"Look who's learning how to make pancakes," he announced proudly, drawing her into our hug.

"I'm helping!" she exclaimed happily, showing off her flour-covered hands. We couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm and excitement.

HongJoong released us from the embrace and turned back to the stove, expertly flipping another pancake onto a plate already stacked high with golden brown goodness.

"Do you want any bacon or eggs?" he asked while transferring the crispy bacon from the frying pan onto a separate plate next to the steaming pancakes.

"Ham!", our daughter clarified with glee, clapping her hands together. Laughing gently, HongJoong nodded his approval.

Alright then, ham it is!" He proceeded to pull out an already cooked piece of ham from the refrigerator, reheating it on the same frying pan.

We talked and laughed while enjoying our appetizing homemade meal together. It felt as if we were a family that had been together for years; so natural and easy-going was our interaction and the connection between HongJoong and my daughter.

After breakfast, we decided after breakfast, we decided to spend the day at a nearby park, basking in the warm sun and fresh air. HongJoong insisted on packing a picnic basket full of delectable treats: sandwiches, fruit, and even some sweet pastries he had purchased earlier that morning. 

We dressed our daughter in her favorite sundress and sun hat and set out for our adventure. Upon reaching the park, our daughter was immediately drawn to the playground area with its brightly colored slides, swings, and jungle gyms. 

HongJoong, ever the doting father-figure, accompanied her as she boldly conquered each piece of equipment with infectious enthusiasm. I settled down on a nearby bench and watched the two of them share joyful moments—my heart swelling with pride and gratitude.

Throughout the afternoon, we played games of tag, took leisurely walks along the winding paths of the park, and spread out on a cozy blanket for our picnic lunch. As our daughter contentedly munched on her sandwich, I caught HongJoong's gaze and sensed the happiness radiating from his eyes.

"I still can't believe how lucky I am to have found you both," he confided softly, reaching over to gently squeeze my hand.

"We're the ones who are truly lucky," I replied sincerely.

 "You've brought so much love and warmth into our lives." After we had finished eating, our daughter decided that splashing around in a shallow water feature designed for children was far too tempting to resist. 

HongJoong kindly offered to purchase a small inflatable float from a nearby vendor so that she could safely enjoy herself. We spent another hour lazily soaking up both sun and laughter as we watched her play in the water.

As evening approached, we decided it was time to pack up our belongings and head home. Our daughter dozed off in my arms as we made our way back toward HongJoong's comfortable apartment—a testament to the excitement and adventure of the day. 

Once home, I prepared a warm bath for our daughter, carefully washing away the dust and sand from her sun-kissed skin. HongJoong busied himself in the kitchen, preparing dinner with the same skill and passion he had displayed earlier that morning. As we sat down to share our dinner he smiled.

"Did you notice the paparazzi today?" he asked.

"No I was focused on you me and HArper..." I chuckled.

"They were definitely taking photos of us today." he said, "Korean paparazzi is crazy... we hadn't gone public yet..." 

"It's fine, we're happy aren't we?" I smiled kissing his cheek and resting my hand on his. HongJoong nodded affirmatively, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

Later that night, after putting my daughter to bed, HongJoong and I retreated to the living room with glasses of wine in hand. We sat down on the plush couch, enjoying the serene stillness that had enveloped his cozy apartment. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer; I leaned my head against his chest, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart.

"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we hadn't met?" His voice was soft, filled with contemplation.

"Don't worry about those paparazzi photos," I finally whispered into HongJoong's ear, reassuring him. 

"As long as they can capture even a fraction of the joy we experienced today, it'll be something I look back on fondly.

"He smiled at my words and kissed me gently on the lips—the perfect end to a perfect day.

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