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Jennifer's POV

As I came back from the exhilarating Seoul Show, my heart was heavy with the thought of being apart from HongJoong and the rest of ATEEZ for a few months. I knew they had loved ones and furry companions anxiously awaiting their return, making our separation difficult for all. Yet, somewhere deep down, I was sure HongJoong and I were desperately longing to be together again. I know Harper was not handling him being gone very well, but their nightly calls made everything a bit easier. she was easily learning korean. She picked up the new language so easily at now 5 years old. 

As the days turned into weeks, the longing to be reunited with HongJoong grew stronger. The Seoul Show had been a whirlwind of emotions and energy, but now I found myself yearning for the familiar comfort of his presence. We had spent countless nights talking on the phone, sharing stories of our days and reminding each other of our love. It was in those moments that I knew our connection was stronger than ever.

Meanwhile, Harper had become even more attached to HongJoong. Every time we spoke on facetime, she would eagerly show him her latest drawings and tell him about her adventures at school. It was heartwarming to witness their bond, and I couldn't help but smile at the way they brought so much joy to each other's lives.

As the weeks turned into months, I realized how much I had come to rely on our nightly calls. It became a ritual that we both cherished, a chance to escape the distance that separated us. We would share our dreams and fears, our hopes and desires, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and open with each other. In those moments, it felt like we were right beside each other, our souls intertwined despite the physical distance.

But as the days went by, the ache of missing him grew unbearable. I found solace in keeping myself busy, throwing myself into work and projects that would distract me from the longing. And yet, no matter how occupied I kept myself, my thoughts would always drift back to him. The memories we had created together, the promises we had made, they lingered in my mind like a bittersweet melody.

One day, as I sat alone in my apartment, contemplating the future, a familiar tune played softly in the background. It was the song HongJoong had written for me, a beautiful melody that captured the essence of our love. As the music filled the room, I closed my eyes and let myself be consumed by the emotions it evoked.

In that moment, I felt his presence beside me, his warmth enveloping me like a comforting embrace. It was as if he had sent his love across the miles, reminding me that our connection was stronger than any physical separation. I knew then that no matter how far apart we were, our hearts were forever intertwined.The very next day, I woke up with a renewed sense of determination. As much as I missed HongJoong and the rest of ATEEZ, I knew that we had to continue living our lives and working towards our dreams. That was what he would want for me, and for himself as well. So, I decided to pour my heart into my work and hobbies, trying to make the most of every new day.

At work, I found solace in my colleagues and the challenges that awaited us. We were working on important projects that would have a significant impact on people's lives, and it motivated me to push harder and strive for success. It seemed that everyone around me was also inspired by the opportunity to make a difference; there was a palpable buzz in the air as we tackled our tasks with enthusiasm.

Despite the heavy workload, it never felt like drudgery. Instead, it became a source of strength and purpose. I was genuinely enjoying the process of not only working together with my team but also learning from their expertise. Each day brought fresh challenges and opportunities for growth.In my free time, I sought out new experiences and activities that would help me become a more well-rounded person. 

From exploring the city's vibrant arts scene to taking part in group workout classes at my local gym, I tried to make every moment count.But no matter how busy I kept myself during the day, evenings were always reserved for reconnecting with HongJoong. Our nightly phone calls continued, providing us both with much-needed emotional support and closeness despite being apart.During one of these calls, HongJoong surprised me by revealing some fantastic news: ATEEZ's upcoming world tour would include an additoonal show in Seoul! Overjoyed by this turn of events, I could hardly believe our luck. It meant we would be able to see each other much sooner than expected, which gave us both a massive boost in morale.

The weeks leading up to the concert were a blur of excitement and anticipation. I tried my best to balance work, hobbies, and preparations for ATEEZ's arrival while also keeping the happy news a secret from Harper. I wanted her reunion with HongJoong to be as magical and heartwarming as possible. I knew with our new home, an actual house that had been choosen by us both over facetime and calls, was gonna be an amazing new thing for him when he returned.

As the days inched closer to the concert, I could feel the excitement pulsing through my veins. The anticipation was palpable, and I found myself counting down the hours until I would be reunited with HongJoong and ATEEZ.

At work, my colleagues noticed my buoyant mood and couldn't help but be curious about its source. I managed to keep the surprise a secret, brushing off their inquiries with a mysterious smile. The thought of sharing that special moment with Harper and HongJoong brought me immeasurable joy, and it motivated me to work even harder.

In preparation for their arrival, I spent countless hours painstakingly organizing every detail of a special pre-concert gathering for them. From selecting a beautiful, intimate venue to hand-picking the most delectable delights for them to indulge in, no stone was left unturned in my quest to make their return as memorable as possible.In the meantime, Harper's excitement about seeing her beloved "uncle" again became infectious. She would chirp endlessly about all of the fun things they were going to do together when he returned. It warmed my heart to see her so full of joy and anticipation.And then, finally, the day of their arrival dawned.

The morning was a whirlwind of activity as I put the finishing touches on every detail for their welcome party. My heart raced in anticipation as each hour ticked by, bringing me closer to an emotional reunion that would undoubtedly be one for the ages.

As the afternoon sun began to dip towards the horizon, I could hardly contain myself any longer. It felt like time had slowed down, each second stretching into an eternity as I counted down until it was time to go to the airport.At last, after what felt like an eternity of anticipation, it was time. Harper and I excitedly got ready for our special trip to the airport. When we arrived at where ATEEZ's flight would land, my heart was pounding in my chest, and a nervous energy coursed through me.

Although Harper had no clue about the surprise, she could sense the excitement in the air and was practically bouncing with glee. Her enthusiasm was contagious, making it nearly impossible to keep a straight face as we waited for them.

I had my own surprise for him. 

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