Chapter 8

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"Perhaps you can trade your dagger" said Johann. 

I slapped my hand over my dagger. 

"This dagger is a gift from my father" I said angrily. 

"Oh, my apologizes. I had no idea the dag" Johann started but I made faces and made my hands mimic his talking. 

Viggo put my hands down and covered my mouth. 

"Forgive me Johann, but as you can see I haven't taught my prisoner any manners" said Viggo. 

"Clearly" said Johann. 

Viggo took his hand off my mouth. 

"As I was saying I didn't know the dagger was so important to you" said Johann. 

"Ya ya, sure you didn't" I said. 

"Anyway I assume you got me what I asked for" said Viggo. 

"Of course, I have it in the back" said Johann. 

He turned to look at me. 

"And y/n I'm sure I can give you a reasonable deal for the yarn" said Johann. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Johann all I have to trade is this plushie" I said as I put the Hiccup plushie on the table. 

"Wow, it looks just like your brother master Hiccup. I can give you four small balls of yarn for the plushie" said Johann. 

I thought about it for a second. 

"Alright fine, let me see the colors you have" I said. 

Johann led me to the craft area and showed me the yarn that I can choose from. I figured I can always make another Hiccup plushie. However I want to make some one different this time. I still have plenty of safety eyes and stuffing, I just need yarn. 

Une for the skin color, duex for the hair color, trois for shirt, and quatre for the pants. Yes I'm learning French. I suppose I could make Viggo. I looked over at Viggo and saw him talking to Johann. I'll need black, white skin color, brown, and grey. I snickered to myself. Viggo is going to hate it. And I shall call him Viggo jr. 

After collecting the yarn I joined the other two. After Viggo got what he needed which was mostly weapons and shields we left Johann's store. I put the yarn in my TVA storage for now. I don't have a bag. 

"Why do you hate Johann" asked Viggo. 

I was confused by this. 

"And here I thought you would know" I said. 

"I don't" said Viggo. 

"He's evil and hunts dragons. Johann is nothing but a fraud" I said. 

Viggo was surprised. 

"You know" asked Viggo. 

"Yep, I work for the coffee business, remember" I said. 

"I remember, I also remember that you don't have a unit to work for" said Viggo. 

"Most units don't trust me and how about we keep the coffee business at the coffee business. Or at least away from other ears" I said. 

"Of course, we can talk business later" said Viggo. 

"Good, so what else do we need" I asked. 

"I need to stop at the plant shop quick. Oh but do be careful, this place carries stuff that is deadly to dragons. So try to not touch anything unless you know what it is" said Viggo. 

"Great, more dragon root" I said sarcastically. 

We made it to the plant shop and Viggo was right. Lots of dragon root and other plants. 

"(y/n), can you pick out some purple oleander" said Viggo. 

"Didn't you just say to avoid dangerous plants" I asked. 

"Yes but purple oleander is harmless to you" said Viggo. 

"How? Blue is deadly so how is purple any different" I asked. 

"I'll have to teach you the different oleanders later but for now nature is more complicated then you think" said Viggo. 

"Fine I'll get the stupid flowers" I said. 

Race To The Edge (S.H.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt