Chapter 30

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After Sylvie and I had lunch we went to the Edge to give the letter to Hiccup and so I can show Sylvie the edge. We should be back before any of the hunters notice we are gone.

"Another one" said Tuffnut.

"Let's follow them" said Ruffnut.

"Is that normal" asked Sylvie.

"Pretty much. Let's run" I said.

Sylvie and I flew with the twins chasing us.

"Hiccup should be at the club house or the dome most likely" I said.

"Let's check the club house first" said Sylvie.

We flew down to the club house but Tuffnut grabbed me.

"I got it" he said.

I bit his hand and he yelped in pain. Tuffnut let go of me as Ruffnut laughed.

"Hey, easy dragon. We just want the letter you have for Fishlegs" said Tuffnut.

I landed on Barf and Belch before turning back into a human.

"What makes you think I have a letter for Fishlegs" I asked.

The twins were both shocked and happy to see me.

"Wait y/n? I thought Viggo kidnapped you" said Ruffnut.

"He did but" I started.

"Of course y/n would escape them. They can escape anything. Come on, we have to tell Hiccup" said Tuffnut.

The twins flew off with me still on their dragon. Sylvie followed and we landed at the dome. I fell off Barf and Belch when we landed.

"Guys, look whose back" said Tuffnut.

I stood up and brushed myself as the twins got off their dragon.

"y/n" said Fishlegs as Hiccup ran over to hug me. 

"How did you escape" asked Astrid. 

Hiccup let me go and Sylvie landed on my shoulder. 

"I didn't. Viggo doesn't know I'm gone. I came here because I'm allowed to write letters but then the twins snatched me" I said. 

"We thought you were another letter to Fishlegs" said Ruffnut. 

""Why" I asked. 

"Fishlegs here has been getting more letters lately" said Snotlout. 

"Ooh secret girlfriend. Anyway" I said. 

I grabbed the letter and gave it to Hiccup. 

"I can stay for a little bit but Viggo can't know I'm gone. I'm worried he will attack the edge or Berk" I said. 

"He probably would. But how did you leave with out him knowing" asked Hiccup. 

"Not much work I can do right now. Viggo wants Sylvie and I to help with the Nadder migration. Unfortunately Sylvie got shot and we went to Viggo demanding safer work" I said. 

"Is she okay" asked Hiccup. 

"Ya, she's right here" I said. 

"Who is Sylvie" asked Fishlegs. 

Sylvie jumped off my shoulder and landed on the floor before turning back into a human. The others except Hiccup and Astrid were shocked. 

"Another one" said Tuffnut. 

"Hi" said Sylvie. 

"I'm Snotlout Jorgenson. If you want I can give you a tour of the island. My hut has a great view" said Snotlout. 

"Snotlout stop hitting on her" I said. 

"What I can't make friends" asked Snotlout. 

"I already promised y/n they can give me a tour. Plus you aren't my type. I'm more into" Sylvie started and thought about it. 

"Someone else" said Sylvie. 

"Anyway, why don't I show you around" I said. 

Sylvie and I left and I started to show her around. The rest of the gang followed and got to know Sylvie. I showed her the stables, the huts, even the caves under the island. Sylvie got along with everyone and the tour went very well. 

"And finally back at the club house" I said. 

"This place is cool. I see why you chose it. But is that mountain a volcano" asked Sylvie. 

"Yes but it hasn't erupted for a while so we are safe here" said Fishlegs. 

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