Chapter 23

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I watched Dagur ran off and Hiccup screamed at him. I can't say I'm surprised. I didn't like him anyway. The other Hunters made it back to us.

"What do we do about Dagur" asked a hunter.

"Leave him, he can die later. For now let's get the nightfury" said Viggo.

"And you think we will tell you" I asked.

"It's that or leave him behind" said Viggo.

"What" asked Hiccup.

"Now that Hiccup knows about this place it won't work as a secret base. There isn't much here anyway. So we will head back to our main base for now. Whether or not the dragon is with us is up to you" said Viggo.

"What a bitch" I said.

Hiccup and I were taken to the beach and the hunters started to load everything onto the boat.

"So, any plans" I asked.

"We can't leave Toothless. He can't fly on his own. And we gave him whatever that concoction was" said Hiccup.

"I hope he is okay. But what's more important is are we going to tell the hunters? I mean we can't just leave him here. So unless we can think of a way to sneak away and fast we might have to" I said.

"I might have a idea" said Hiccup.

"I'm listening" I said.

"Well you are able to shape shift into any dragon. So what if you use your Gronkle abilities since they are immune" said Hiccup.

I thought about it.

"Well, I could. But all I can do while tied up is shoot lava" I said.

The hunters started to load the dragons on the ship.

"Hey, the cage is empty" said a Hunter.

"No, Sylvie is just a changewing" said another hunter.

"Fools, she snuck out again" said Ryker.

"How can you be sure" asked a hunter.

Ryker opened the cage and walked in but nothing happened. The hunters groaned.

"Why is the two shape shifters are always such a pain in the ass" said a hunter.

"She won't go far. They are pack dragons. Meaning she is probably going to stay near y/n but find Sylvie" said Ryker.

The hunters ran off.

"There's more" I asked.

"I guess. I mean you had to of gotten it from somewhere" said Hiccup.

"Ya but dad killed him years ago. We haven't seen another one since" I said.

Everyone knows how Berk use to hate dragons. I was three years old when I first got the powers.

"Maybe Sylvie can help us escape" said Hiccup.

Suddenly a plasma blast was fired and the hunters all ran around the beach. Hiccup and I cheered but Hiccup was shocked to see Dagur on Toothless.

"SHOOT THEM DOWN" Ryker yelled.

Hunters tried to shoot them down. I took my boot off and grabbed a pocket knife.

"What is that" asked Hiccup.

"A pocket knife. It helps to have a secret weapon when you are a hostage" I said.

"Wait you had that the whole time" said Hiccup.

"It wouldn't be much help without a distraction" I said.

I cut the ropes and then freed Hiccup.

"Oh that feels better" I said rubbing my wrist.

"Are you getting a rash" asked Hiccup as he noticed the red marks on my wrist.

"I'll live, for now let's help Toothless and Dagur" I said.

I shaped shifted into a gronkle and flew off into the sky. Hiccup started to fight some hunters on the ground. Viggo grabbed Hiccup and pointed a sword at his neck. Toothless and I landed and Dagur was thrown off of Toothless. I turned back into a human and pointed my pocket knife at Viggo.

"Let him go" I said.

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