Chapter 19

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"Wasnt there a cave there" asked a hunter.

"I'm not sure, let's check it out" said another.

The hunters started to head over to us.

"What are we going to do" I whispered.

"We just have to hold them off" Hiccup whispered.

He grabbed a rock and we got ready for a attack but the some strange noises came from outside the cave. There was a few seconds of silence before the bushes were removed and Dagur stood in the doorway.

"Dagur" asked Hiccup surprised.

I hit my face and Dagur entered the cave.

"You stay back" said Hiccup.

"Calm down brother. I just want to help" said Dagur.

"Bull" I said.

Hiccup and I ran up to attack but Dagur dodged us. I tackled him but we landed next to a unconscious dragon hunter. Hiccup ran over as I got off of Dagur.

"You" asked Hiccup.

"Plenty of time to answer all of your questions later but right now we need to move your nightfury" said Dagur.

Hiccup and I looked at each other.

"It's a trap. It has to be. I say we kill him" I said.

"Wow wait kill him? I don't like Dagur either but we can't kill him. He saw where Toothless is so let's just bring him with us" said Hiccup.

"Don't tell me you trust him now" I said.

"I don't, but we can't leave him. He might tell the others. I can't loose you again already" said Hiccup.

I groaned.

"Okay fine, the ging can come with it" I said.

"The what" asked Dagur.

"Nevermind let's just go" I said.

We grabbed Toothless and started heading to a new cave. I lead the way of course.

"So, on a more important note. Are you okay? I haven't seen you since that night" said Hiccup.

"I'm actually doing okay I suppose. I spent my time on a boat with sea sickness. Shopped at a black market" I said.

"A what" asked Hiccup.

"A illegal market. Viggo has put me to work though and is surprisingly nice. For being my kidnapper. He doesnt keep me in a cell or hit me or anything. Which is good" I said.

"Ya but he painted dragon root on your nails so you can't use your powers. It reminds me of the little arrows. It just feels like cheating is all. And I hate cheaters" said Dagur.

"Well I never said he was perfect. Anyway how have the others been" I asked.

"Oh ya, how is Heather" asked Dagur.

"Everyone is fine" said Hiccup.

"Good, and what was her dragon called again. Windshower" asked Ddagur.

"Windshear, she's doing okay two. Everyone really misses y/n" said Hiccup.

"Ya well I would of called" I joked.

"Duck" said Dagur.

"What" asked Hiccup.

Dagur threw a knife and Hiccup and I dodged.

"HEY, WATCH IT" I yelled.

"There was a trap there" said Dagur.

Hiccup and I looked to see the knife was now in a trap.

"Thanks" said Hiccup.

We kept walking. I suppose Dagur does care. Or maybe it's a trap. Probably a trap. People don't change that easily. Some people are always a villain.

"Okay careful, it can get slippery here" I said.

We walked on the path and made it to the cave. We entered and Hiccup and Dagur laid Toothless down.

"So, why did you come out here alone" I asked.

"I didn't want to wake anyone else. I thought I could find you and bring you back. But now everyone is probably worried. And I'm probably never going to hear the end of it from dad" said Hiccup.

"Or you could you know, not tell him" I said.

Hiccup gave me a fake smile.

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